Articles with public access mandates - Ross GriffithsLearn more
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Simulation of convection at a vertical ice face dissolving into saline water
B Gayen, RW Griffiths, RC Kerr
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 798, 284-298, 2016
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Effect of topographic barriers on the rates of available potential energy conversion of the oceans
KD Stewart, JA Saenz, AMC Hogg, GO Hughes, RW Griffiths
Ocean Modelling 76, 31-42, 2014
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Turbulent horizontal convection under spatially periodic forcing: a regime governed by interior inertia
MG Rosevear, B Gayen, RW Griffiths
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 831, 491-523, 2017
Mandates: Australian Research Council
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Stability transitions and turbulence in horizontal convection
B Gayen, RW Griffiths, GO Hughes
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 751, 698-724, 2014
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Energetics of horizontal convection
B Gayen, RW Griffiths, GO Hughes, JA Saenz
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 716, R10, 2013
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Interannual variability of circulation under spring ice in a boreal lake
K Salonen, M Pulkkanen, P Salmi, RW Griffiths
Limnology and Oceanography 59 (6), 2121-2132, 2014
Mandates: Australian Research Council, Academy of Finland
Completing the mechanical energy pathways in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection
B Gayen, GO Hughes, RW Griffiths
Physical review letters 111 (12), 124301, 2013
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Available potential energy in Rayleigh–Bénard convection
GO Hughes, B Gayen, RW Griffiths
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 729, R3, 2013
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Horizontal convection dynamics: insights from transient adjustment
RW Griffiths, GO Hughes, B Gayen
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 726, 559-595, 2013
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Ablation of sloping ice faces into polar seawater
M Mondal, B Gayen, RW Griffiths, RC Kerr
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 863, 545-571, 2019
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Mixing and dissipation in a geostrophic buoyancy‐driven circulation
CA Vreugdenhil, B Gayen, RW Griffiths
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (8), 6076-6091, 2016
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Rotating horizontal convection
B Gayen, RW Griffiths
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 54 (1), 105-132, 2022
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Experiments with mixing in stratified flow over a topographic ridge
Y Dossmann, M G. Rosevear, RW Griffiths, A McC. Hogg, GO Hughes, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (9), 6961-6977, 2016
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Geostrophic and chimney regimes in rotating horizontal convection with imposed heat flux
CA Vreugdenhil, RW Griffiths, B Gayen
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 823, 57-99, 2017
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Melting driven convection at the ice-seawater interface
B Gayen, RW Griffiths, RC Kerr
Procedia IUTAM 15, 78-85, 2015
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Transport by deep convection in basin-scale geostrophic circulation: Turbulence-resolving simulations
CA Vreugdenhil, B Gayen, RW Griffiths
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 865, 681-719, 2019
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Turbulent convection insights from small-scale thermal forcing with zero net heat flux at a horizontal boundary
RW Griffiths, B Gayen
Physical Review Letters 115 (20), 204301, 2015
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Adjustment of the meridional overturning circulation and its dependence on depth of mixing
CA Vreugdenhil, AMC Hogg, RW Griffiths, GO Hughes
Journal of Physical Oceanography 46 (3), 731-747, 2016
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Coupling of cooling, solidification and gravity-driven flow
RW Griffiths, RC Kerr
Procedia IUTAM 15, 165-171, 2015
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Dynamics and Heat Transfer in Rotating Horizontal Convection at Large Rayleigh Number
CA Vreugdenhil, B Gayen, RW Griffiths
Dynamics, 8, 2016
Mandates: Australian Research Council
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