Juan Pablo Carvallo
Juan Pablo Carvallo
Profesor Titular Agregado, Universidad del Azuay, Ecuador
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Cited by
Using quality models in software package selection
X Franch, JP Carvallo
IEEE software 20 (1), 34-41, 2003
DesCOTS: a software system for selecting COTS components
G Grau, JP Carvallo, X Franch, C Quer
Proceedings. 30th Euromicro Conference, 2004., 118-126, 2004
ISO/IEC 9126 in practice: what do we need to know
P Botella, X Burgués, JP Carvallo, X Franch, G Grau, J Marco, C Quer
Software Measurement European Forum 2004, 2004
A comparative analisys of i*-based agent-oriented modeling languages
CP Ayala Martínez, C Cares, JP Carvallo Vega, G Grau Colom, M Haya, ...
SEKE 2005, the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2005
A quality-model-based approach for describing and evaluating software packages
X Franch, JP Carvallo
Proceedings IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering …, 2002
Extending the ISO/IEC 9126-1 quality model with non-technical factors for COTS components selection
JP Carvallo, X Franch
Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Software quality, 9-14, 2006
Using goals and quality models to support the matching analysis during cots selection
C Alves, X Franch, JP Carvallo, A Finkelstein
International Conference on COTS-Based Software Systems, 146-156, 2005
Managing non-technical requirements in COTS components selection
JP Carvallo, X Franch, C Quer
14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'06), 323-326, 2006
Determining criteria for selecting software components: lessons learned
JP Carvallo, X Franch, C Quer
IEEE software 24 (3), 84-94, 2007
Characterization of a Taxonomy for Business Applications and the Relationships among them
JP Carvallo, X Franch, C Quer, M Torchiano
International Conference on COTS-Based Software Systems, 221-231, 2004
Defining a quality model for mail servers
J Pablo Carvallo, X Franch, C Quer
COTS-Based Software Systems: Second International Conference, ICCBSS 2003 …, 2003
Towards a quality model for the selection of ERP systems
P Botella, X Burgués, JP Carvallo, X Franch, JA Pastor, C Quer
Component-based software quality: methods and techniques, 225-245, 2003
On the Use of i* for Architecting Hybrid Systems: A Method and an Evaluation Report
JP Carvallo, X Franch
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: Second IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference …, 2009
Metodologías y propuestas metodológicas para el diseño de objetos de aprendizaje: Un estado del arte en iberoamérica
J Maldonado, JP Carvallo, J Siguencia
Anais temporários do LACLO 2015 10 (1), 36, 2015
COSTUME: a method for building quality models for composite COTS-based software systems
JP Carvallo, X Franch, G Grau, C Quer
Fourth International Conference onQuality Software, 2004. QSIC 2004 …, 2004
Calidad de componentes software
JP Carvallo, X Franch, C Quer
Calidad del producto y proceso software 30, 2010
A Quality Model for Requirements Management Tools
JP Carvallo, X Franch, C Quer
Requirements Engineering for Sociotechnical Systems, 119-138, 2005
Using quality models for assessing COTS selection
P Botella López, X Burgués Illa, JP Carvallo Vega, J Franch Gutiérrez, ...
WER 2002: V International Workshop on Requirements Engineering, 263-277, 2002
Building strategic enterprise context models with i*: a pattern-based approach
JP Carvallo, X Franch
Working Conference on Practice-Driven Research on Enterprise Transformation …, 2012
Systematic construction of quality models for cots-based systems
J Carvallo
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Articles 1–20