Ivan L. Sofronov
Ivan L. Sofronov
Московский физико-технический институт
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Discrete transparent boundary conditions for the Schrödinger equation: fast calculation, approximation, and stability
A Arnold, M Ehrhardt, I Sofronov
Artificial boundary conditions of absolute transparency for two-and three-dimensional external time-dependent scattering problems
IL Sofronov
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 9 (6), 561-588, 1998
Conditions for complete transparency on a sphere for a three-dimensional wave equation
IL Sofronov
Doklady Akademii Nauk 326 (6), 953-957, 1992
Predictive model for bottomhole pressure based on machine learning
P Spesivtsev, K Sinkov, I Sofronov, A Zimina, A Umnov, R Yarullin, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 166, 825-841, 2018
Non-reflecting inflow and outflow in a wind tunnel for transonic time-accurate simulation
IL Sofronov
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 221 (1), 92-115, 1998
Discrete transparent boundary conditions for the Schrödinger equation on circular domains
A Arnold, M Ehrhardt, M Schulte, I Sofronov
WIAS, 2008
High-accuracy finite-difference schemes for solving elastodynamic problems in curvilinear coordinates within multiblock approach
L Dovgilovich, I Sofronov
Applied Numerical Mathematics 93, 176-194, 2015
Transparent boundary conditions for MHD simulations in stratified atmospheres
A Dedner, D Kröner, IL Sofronov, M Wesenberg
Journal of Computational Physics 171 (2), 448-478, 2001
Scanning for downhole corrosion
IA Acuña, A Monsegue, TM Brill, H Graven, F Mulders, JL Le Calvez, ...
Oilfield Review 22 (1), 42-50, 2010
Approximation, stability and fast calculation of non-local boundary conditions for the Schrödinger equation
A Arnold, M Ehrhardt, I Sofronov
Commun. Math. Sci 1 (3), 501-556, 2003
Numerical generation of transparent boundary conditions on the side surface of a vertical transverse isotropic layer
IL Sofronov, NA Zaitsev
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 234 (6), 1732-1738, 2010
Time-accurate inlet and outlet conditions for unsteady transonic channel flow
J Ballmann, G Britten, I Sofronov
AIAA journal 40 (9), 1745-1754, 2002
Условия полной прозрачности на сфере для трехмерного волнового уравнения
ИЛ Софронов
Доклады Академии наук 326 (6), 953-957, 1992
Transparent boundary conditions for the elastic waves in anisotropic media
IL Sofronov, NA Zaitsev
Hyperbolic problems: Theory, numerics, applications, 997-1004, 2008
Точные искусственные граничные условия для некоторых задач аэродинамики и дифракции
ИЛ Софронов
О применении прозрачных граничных условий в задачах аэроакустики
ИЛ Софронов
Математическое моделирование 19 (8), 105-112, 2007
Применение прозрачных граничных условий для решения двумерных задач упругости с азимутальной анизотропией
НА Зайцев, ИЛ Софронов
Математическое моделирование 19 (8), 49-54, 2007
Об алгоритме метода разностных потенциалов
АА Резник, ВС Рябенький, ИЛ Софронов, ВИ Турчанинов
Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики 25 (10), 1496-1505, 1985
Развитие метода разностных потенциалов и применение его к решению стационарных задач дифракции
ИЛ Софронов
Analysis of modeling of acoustic fields excited by the flow noise in the formation inflow zones
NV Mutovkin, DN Mikhailov, IL Sofronov
Geomodel 2018 2018 (1), 1-5, 2018
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Articles 1–20