Hamidreza Mahdavi
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Cited by
Failure analysis of (±55) 9 filament-wound GRE pipes using acoustic emission technique
HR Mahdavi, GH Rahimi, A Farrokhabadi
Engineering Failure Analysis 62, 178-187, 2016
Finite element study of cyclic plasticity near a subsurface inclusion under rolling contact and macro-residual stresses
H Mahdavi, K Poulios, Y Kadin, CF Niordson
International Journal of Fatigue 143, 105981, 2021
Effect of superimposed compressive stresses on rolling contact fatigue initiation at hard and soft inclusions
H Mahdavi, K Poulios, CF Niordson
International Journal of Fatigue 134, 105399, 2020
On the effect of microplasticity on crack initiation from subsurface defects in rolling contact fatigue
H Mahdavi, K Poulios, Y Kadin, CF Niordson
International Journal of Fatigue 161, 106870, 2022
Failure analysis of glass-reinforced epoxy pipes under internal hydrostatic pressure: A comparison with the split disk test method
HR Mahdavi, GH Rahimi, A Farrokhabadi
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 140 (1), 014501, 2018
Fatigue Performance Analysis of GRE Composite Pipes by Conducting Tension-Tension Tests on the Rings Cut from the Pipe
H Mahdavi, GH Rahimi, A Farrokhabadi
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 49 (4), 2019
Failure Analysis of (± 55°)9 Filament-Wound GRE Pipes Using Explicit Finite Element Method: A Comparison with the Experimental Method
H Mahdavi, GH Rahimi, A Farrokhabadi
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 18, 1526-1533, 2018
A pragmatic approach for the evaluation of depth-sensing indentation in the self-similar regime
H Mahdavi, K Poulios, CF Niordson
Journal of Applied Mechanics 89 (1), 011004, 2022
Determination of optimal residual stress profiles for improved rolling contact fatigue resistance
H Mahdavi, K Poulios, CF Niordson
12th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture, MATEC Web …, 2019
Rapid Screening of the Mechanical Properties of 13 wt% Cr Steels with Uncharted Combinations of C and N Contents
H Mahdavi, ÖC Kücükyildiz, KV Dahl, MAJ Somers, K Poulios, ...
HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials 77 (5), 336-356, 2022
Micromechanical Modeling of Rolling Contact Fatigue
H Mahdavi
Technical University of Denmark, 2021
Damage Energy Evaluation in [55/-55] 9 Composite Pipes using Acoustic Emission Method
HR Mahdavi, GH Rahimi, A Farrokhabadi, H Saadatmand
Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 2 (2), 127-134, 2015
Rolling contact fatigue assessment based on cyclic plastic strain at the microscale
H Mahdavi, K Poulios, CF Niordson, Y Kadin
XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and …, 2019
Micromechanical investigation of rolling contact fatigue
H Mahdavi
17th internal DCAMM symposium, 2019
Life estimation of an industrial spherical pressure vessel
H.R. Mahdavi, G.H. Rahimi
2nd International Conference on Oil, Gas & Petrochemical, 2014
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Articles 1–15