Calcipotriol ointment in nail psoriasis: a controlled double‐blind comparison with betamethasone dipropionate and salicylic acid: Calcipotriol ointment in nail psoriasis: a … A Tosti, BM Piraccini, N Cameli, F Kokely, C Plozzer, GE Cannata, ... British Journal of Dermatology 139 (4), 655-659, 1998 | 178 | 1998 |
Physeal fractures of the distal radius and ulna: long-term prognosis G Cannata, F De Maio, F Mancini, E Ippolito Journal of orthopaedic trauma 17 (3), 172-179, 2003 | 154 | 2003 |
Onychomatricoma: new clinical and histological features. A review of 19 tumors C Perrin, R Baran, T Balaguer, B Chignon-Sicard, GE Cannata, T Petrella, ... The American journal of dermatopathology 32 (1), 1-8, 2010 | 107 | 2010 |
I sistemi agricoli territoriali italiani G Cannata Roma, 1989 | 86 | 1989 |
Incidence of fragility fractures. U Tarantino, G Cannata, D Lecce, M Celi, I Cerocchi, R Iundusi Aging clinical and experimental research 19 (4 Suppl), 7-11, 2007 | 66 | 2007 |
Onychomatricoma in the light of the microanatomy of the normal nail unit C Perrin, L Langbein, J Schweizer, GE Cannata, T Balaguer, ... The American journal of dermatopathology 33 (2), 131-139, 2011 | 65 | 2011 |
Le risorse genetiche vegetali D Marino, C Salvioni Stato, valore economico, politiche per uso sostenibile, 1996 | 63 | 1996 |
Pruritus characteristics in a large Italian cohort of psoriatic patients G Damiani, S Cazzaniga, RR Conic, L Naldi, Psocare Registry Network, ... Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 33 (7), 1316-1324, 2019 | 60 | 2019 |
Onychocytic matricoma presenting as pachymelanonychia longitudinal. A new entity (report of five cases) C Perrin, GE Cannata, C Bossard, JM Grill, D Ambrossetti, JF Michiels The American Journal of Dermatopathology 34 (1), 54-59, 2012 | 60 | 2012 |
Latent tuberculosis infection in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis: evidence from the Italian Psocare Registry P Gisondi, S Cazzaniga, S Chimenti, M Maccarone, M Picardo, ... British Journal of Dermatology 172 (6), 1613-1620, 2015 | 52 | 2015 |
I sistemi agricoli territoriali delle regioni italiane G Cannata, MB Forleo CNR PF RAISA, Arti grafiche La, 1998 | 42 | 1998 |
Open medial dislocation of the ankle without fracture U Tarantino, G Cannata, E Gasbarra, L Bondi, M Celi, R Iundusi The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 90 (10), 1382-1384, 2008 | 36 | 2008 |
A comparative prospective study of dynamic variable angle hip screw and Gamma nail in intertrochanteric hip fractures U Tarantino, F Oliva, A Impagliazzo, A Mattei, G Cannata, GFS Pompili, ... Disability and Rehabilitation 27 (18-19), 1157-1165, 2005 | 36 | 2005 |
Aree interne, tutela del territorio e valorizzazione delle risorse AB Collidà, E Ciciotti, A Mela Franco Angeli, 1989 | 35 | 1989 |
Prevalence of stratified epithelium-specific antinuclear antibodies in 138 patients with lichen planus A Parodi, E Cozzani, C Massone, A Rebora, L Priano, G Ghigliotti, P Balbi, ... Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 56 (6), 974-978, 2007 | 28 | 2007 |
Mossy leg with eccrine syringofibroadenomatous hyperplasia resembling multiple eccrine syringofibroadenoma F Rongioletti, C Gambini, A Parodi, G Cannata, A Rebora Clinical and experimental dermatology 21 (6), 454-456, 1996 | 28 | 1996 |
Il Molise, una realtà in crescita. Aree protette e attività agricole D Cialdea FrancoAngeli 1862, 1-408, 1996 | 27 | 1996 |
Governo dei bacini idrografici: Strumenti tecnici e pianificatori PG Cannata, F Ciccone, A Valentinelli Etas libri, 1994 | 21 | 1994 |
Tecniche di analisi statistica multivariata per l’individuazione dei sistemi agricoli territoriali in Italia G Anania, A Tarsitano, G Cannata I sistemi territoriali agricoli italiani degli anni ‘90. Contributi …, 1995 | 20 | 1995 |
I fiumi della terra e del tempo G Cannata F. Angeli, 1990 | 20 | 1990 |