Caleb T. Carr
Cited by
Cited by
Social media: Defining, developing, and divining
CT Carr, RA Hayes
Atlantic Journal of Communication 23 (1), 46-65, 2015
It's complicated: Facebook users' political participation in the 2008 election
J Vitak, P Zube, A Smock, CT Carr, N Ellison, C Lampe
CyberPsychology, behavior, and social networking 14 (3), 107-114, 2011
One click, many meanings: Interpreting paralinguistic digital affordances in social media
RA Hayes, CT Carr, DY Wohn
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 60 (1), 171-187, 2016
Masspersonal communication: A model bridging the mass-interpersonal divide
PB O’Sullivan, CT Carr
New Media & Society 20 (3), 1161-1180, 2018
Interaction of interpersonal, peer, and media influence sources online: A research agenda for technology convergence
JB Walther, CT Carr, SSW Choi
A networked self, 25-46, 2010
The effect of disclosure of third-party influence on an opinion leader's credibility and electronic word of mouth in two-step flow
CT Carr, RA Hayes
Journal of Interactive Advertising 14 (1), 38-50, 2014
The effect of feedback on identity shift in computer-mediated communication
JB Walther, YJ Liang, DC DeAndrea, ST Tong, CT Carr, EL Spottswood, ...
Media Psychology 14 (1), 1-26, 2011
Speech acts within Facebook status messages
CT Carr, DB Schrock, P Dauterman
Journal of language and social psychology 31 (2), 176-196, 2012
👍 as social support: Relational closeness, automaticity, and interpreting social support from paralinguistic digital affordances in social media
CT Carr, DY Wohn, RA Hayes
Computers in Human Behavior 62, 385-393, 2016
Notification pending: Online social support from close and nonclose relational ties via Facebook
B Rozzell, CW Piercy, CT Carr, S King, BL Lane, M Tornes, AJ Johnson, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 38, 272-280, 2014
How affective is a “Like”?: The effect of paralinguistic digital affordances on perceived social support
DY Wohn, CT Carr, RA Hayes
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 19 (9), 562-566, 2016
Does being social matter? Effects of enabled commenting on credibility and brand attitude in social media
RA Hayes, CT Carr
Journal of Promotion Management 21 (3), 371-390, 2015
CMC is dead, long live CMC!: Situating computer-mediated communication scholarship beyond the digital age
CT Carr
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 25 (1), 9-22, 2020
It’s the audience: Differences in social support across social media
RA Hayes, CT Carr, DY Wohn
Social media+ society 2 (4), 2056305116678894, 2016
Effects of interpersonal goals on inadvertent intrapersonal influence in computer-mediated communication
JB Walther, B Van Der Heide, ST Tong, CT Carr, CK Atkin
Human Communication Research 36 (3), 323-347, 2010
Increasing attributional certainty via social media: Learning about others one bit at a time
CT Carr, JB Walther
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 19 (4), 922-937, 2014
When nobody “likes” you: Perceived ostracism through paralinguistic digital affordances within social media
RA Hayes, ED Wesselmann, CT Carr
Social Media+ Society 4 (3), 2056305118800309, 2018
Identity shift III: Effects of publicness of feedback and relational closeness in computer-mediated communication
CT Carr, AC Foreman
Media Psychology 19 (2), 334-358, 2016
Strength of social cues in online impression formation: Expanding SIDE research
CT Carr, J Vitak, C McLaughlin
Communication Research 40 (2), 261-281, 2013
Sent from my iPhone: The medium and message as cues of sender professionalism in mobile telephony
CT Carr, C Stefaniak
Journal of Applied Communication Research 40 (4), 403-424, 2012
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Articles 1–20