Lin Tan
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Cited by
Intergenerational transmission of maternal emotion regulation to child emotion regulation: Moderated mediation of maternal positive and negative emotions.
L Tan, CL Smith
Emotion 19 (7), 1284, 2019
Infant frontal EEG asymmetry moderates the association between maternal behavior and toddler negative affectivity
A Diaz, MM Swingler, L Tan, CL Smith, SD Calkins, MA Bell
Infant Behavior and Development 55, 88-99, 2019
Brief alcohol interventions are effective through 6 months: Findings from marginalized zero-inflated poisson and negative binomial models in a two-step ipd meta-analysis
EY Mun, Z Zhou, D Huh, L Tan, D Li, EE Tanner-Smith, ST Walters, ...
Prevention Science 24 (8), 1608-1621, 2023
Function of child anger and sadness in response to a blocked goal
L Tan, CL Smith
Journal of experimental child psychology 170, 190-196, 2018
Changes in children’s attachment security to mother and father after the birth of a sibling: Risk and resilience in the family
BL Volling, W Oh, R Gonzalez, LR Bader, L Tan, L Rosenberg
Development and Psychopathology 35 (3), 1404-1420, 2023
Adrenocortical interdependence in father‐infant and mother‐infant dyads: Attunement or something more?
LR Bader, L Tan, R Gonzalez, EK Saini, Y Bae, L Provenzi, BL Volling
Developmental psychobiology 63 (5), 1534-1548, 2021
Do brief motivational interventions increase motivation for change in drinking among college students? A two‐step meta‐analysis of individual participant data
Z Tan, EE Tanner‐Smith, ST Walters, L Tan, D Huh, Z Zhou, ...
Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research 47 (8), 1433-1446, 2023
Coming together or falling apart: Coparenting the first child while expecting the second
BL Volling, L Tan, R Gonzalez, LR Bader
Prenatal family dynamics: Couple and coparenting relationships during and …, 2021
Changes in children’s anger, sadness, and persistence across blocked goals: Implications for self‐regulation
L Tan, E Shin, K Page, CL Smith
Child Development 94 (2), 411-423, 2023
The selection of statistical models for reporting count outcomes and intervention effects in brief alcohol intervention trials: a review and recommendations
L Tan, JM Luningham, D Huh, Z Zhou, EE Tanner‐Smith, SA Baldwin, ...
Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research 48 (1), 16-28, 2024
Longitudinal bidirectional relations between children’s negative affectivity and maternal emotion expressivity
L Tan, CL Smith
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 983435, 2022
Cross-cultural differences in the determinants of maternal emotion coaching: Role of maternal emotional awareness and emotion regulation
L Tan
Virginia Tech, 2017
Preschoolers’ self-regulation: Private speech in cognitive and emotion contexts
KL Day, L Tan, CL Smith
Journal of Child and Family Studies 33 (5), 1437-1450, 2024
Growth in emotion understanding across early childhood: A cohort‐sequential model of firstborn children across the transition to siblinghood
L Tan, BL Volling, R Gonzalez, J LaBounty, L Rosenberg
Child development 93 (3), e299-e314, 2022
Does abstaining from alcohol in high school moderate intervention effects for college students? Implications for tiered intervention strategies
L Tan, Z Friedman, Z Zhou, D Huh, HR White, EY Mun
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 993517, 2022
SAT patterns and engineering and computer science college majors: an intersectional, state-level study
L Tan, IS Bradburn, DB Knight, T Kinoshita, J Grohs
International Journal of STEM Education 9 (1), 68, 2022
Gatekeepers to broadening participation in engineering investigating variation across high schools comparing who could go versus who does go into engineering
AL Gillen, T Kinoshita, D Knight, J Grohs, C Carrico, HM Matusovich, ...
2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-5, 2017
Will I love my second baby as much as my first? Prevalence and psychosocial correlates of maternal‐fetal relationship anxiety for second‐time mothers
BL Volling, L Tan, L Rosenberg, LR Bader
Infant mental health journal 44 (4), 541-553, 2023
Validation of a Chinese translation of the Parents’ Beliefs About Children’s Emotions questionnaire and measurement invariance across Chinese and US mothers
L Tan, CL Smith, JC Dunsmore
Current Psychology 42 (16), 13486-13496, 2023
Cross-Tailoring Integrative Alcohol and Risky Sexual Behavior Feedback for College Students: Protocol for a Hybrid Type 1 Effectiveness-Implementation Trial
AE Ray, EY Mun, MA Lewis, DM Litt, JL Stapleton, L Tan, DB Buller, ...
JMIR Research Protocols 12 (1), e43986, 2023
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Articles 1–20