Mathieu Huchard
Mathieu Huchard
ST Microelectronics
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60-GHz photonic millimeter-wave link for short-to medium-range wireless transmission up to 12.5 Gb/s
M Weiß, M Huchard, A Stöhr, B Charbonnier, S Fedderwitz, DS Jäger
Journal of Lightwave Technology 26 (15), 2424-2429, 2008
60 GHz radio-over-fiber technologies for broadband wireless services
A Stöhr, A Akrout, R Buß, B Charbonnier, F van Dijk, A Enard, ...
Journal of Optical Networking 8 (5), 471-487, 2009
Prototype filter and structure optimization
A Viholainen, M Bellanger, M Huchard
website: www. ict-phydyas. org: Document D 5, 2009
Wideband linearly polarized transmitarray antenna for 60 GHz backhauling
C Jouanlanne, A Clemente, M Huchard, J Keignart, C Barbier, ...
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 65 (3), 1440-1445, 2017
Ultra-broadband wireless home network based on 60-GHz WPAN cells interconnected via RoF
M Huchard, M Weiss, A Pizzinat, S Meyer, P Guignard, B Charbonnier
Journal of Lightwave Technology 26 (15), 2364-2372, 2008
Upcoming perspectives and future challenges for ROF
B Charbonnier, H Le Bras, P Urvoas, QT N'Guyen, M Huchard, A Pizzinat
Microwave Photonics, 2007 Interntional Topical Meeting on, 21-23, 2007
Miniature antenna for circularly polarized quasi isotropic coverage
M Huchard, C Delaveaud, S Tedjini
2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2007), 2007
60GHz radio-over-fibre wireless system for bridging 10Gb/s ethernet links
M Weiß, A Stohr, M Huchard, S Fedderwitz, B Charbonnier, V Rymanov, ...
2008 34th European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-2, 2008
Access network evolution: optical fibre to the subscribers and impact on the metropolitan and home networks
P Chanclou, Z Belfqih, B Charbonnier, T Duong, F Frank, N Genay, ...
Comptes Rendus Physique 9 (9-10), 935-946, 2008
Indoor deployment of a wireless sensor network for inventory and localization of mobile assets
M Huchard, V Paquier, A Loeillet, V Marangozov, JM Nicolai
2012 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications …, 2012
Experimental validation of the EGN-model in uncompensated optical links
A Nespola, M Huchard, G Bosco, A Carena, Y Jiang, P Poggiolini, ...
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 1-3, 2015
60 GHz radio signal up-conversion and transport using a directly modulated mode-locked laser
M Huchard, P Chanclou, B Charbonnier, F van Dijk, GH Duan, ...
2008 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics jointly held with …, 2008
PHYDYAS-PHYsical layer for Dynamic AccesS and cognitive radio
A Viholainen, M Bellanger, M Huchard
Report D5 1, 2009
Optical access evolutions and their impact on the metropolitan and home networks
P Chanclou, Z Belfqih, B Charbonnier, T Duong, F Frank, N Genay, ...
2008 34th European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-4, 2008
PHYDYAS project, deliverable 5.1: Prototype filter and structure optimization
A Viholainen, M Bellanger, M Huchard
FP7-ICT, Tech. Rep, 2009
Photonics for broadband radio communications at 60 GHz in access and home networks
B Charbonnier, P Chanclou, JL Corral, GH Duan, C Gonzalez, M Huchard, ...
2008 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics jointly held with …, 2008
FBMC physical layer: a primer (2010)
M Bellanger, D LeRuyet, D Roviras, M Terré, J Nossek, L Baltar, Q Bai, ...
Antenna and associated measurement sensor
M Huchard, C Delaveaud
US Patent 8,044,864, 2011
60 GHz radio-over-fiber techniques for 10 Gb/s broadband wireless transmission
A Stöhr, M Weiß, V Polo, R Sambaraju, JL Corral, J Marti, M Huchard, ...
Wireless World Research Forum, 22-24, 2008
Experimental demonstration of a novel update algorithm in Stokes space for adaptive equalization in coherent receivers
G Bosco, M Visintin, P Poggiolini, A Nespola, M Huchard, F Forghieri
2014 The European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2014
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Articles 1–20