Carly W Butler
Carly W Butler
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Cited by
Talk and social interaction in the playground
CW Butler
Routledge, 2016
Advice-implicative interrogatives: Building “client-centered” support in a children’s helpline
CW Butler, J Potter, S Danby, M Emmison, A Hepburn
Social Psychology Quarterly 73 (3), 265-287, 2010
Exploring young children's web searching and technoliteracy
A Spink, S Danby, K Mallan, C Butler
Journal of documentation, 2010
Omni-relevance and interactional context
R Fitzgerald, W Housley, C Butler
Cardiff University, 2008
" No, we're not playing families": Membership categorization in children's play
C Butler, A Weatherall
Research on Language and Social Interaction 39 (4), 441-470, 2006
Membership-in-action: Operative identities in a family meal
CW Butler, R Fitzgerald
Journal of Pragmatics 42 (9), 2462-2474, 2010
When'listeners can't talk': Comparing active listening in opening sequences of telephone and online counselling
S Danby, C Butler, M Emmison
Australian Journal of Communication 36 (3), 91-114, 2009
Intervening with conversation analysis in telephone helpline services: Strategies to improve effectiveness
A Hepburn, S Wilkinson, CW Butler
Research on Language and Social Interaction 47 (3), 239-254, 2014
A rhetorical approach to discussions about health and vegetarianism
MS Wilson, A Weatherall, C Butler
Journal of Health Psychology 9 (4), 567-581, 2004
Actively noticing nature (not just time in nature) helps promote nature connectedness
M Richardson, I Hamlin, CW Butler, R Thomas, A Hunt
Ecopsychology 14 (1), 8-16, 2022
Improving Nature Connectedness in Adults: A Meta-Analysis, Review and Agenda
D Sheffield, CW Butler, M Richardson
Sustainability 14 (19), 12494, 2022
Address terms in turn beginnings: Managing disalignment and disaffiliation in telephone counseling
CW Butler, S Danby, M Emmison
Research on Language & Social Interaction 44 (4), 338-358, 2011
Mobilising recipiency: Child participation and ‘rights to speak’in multi-party family interaction
CW Butler, R Wilkinson
Journal of Pragmatics 50 (1), 37-51, 2013
Script proposals: A device for empowering clients in counselling
M Emmison, CW Butler, S Danby
Discourse studies 13 (1), 3-26, 2011
Managing medical advice seeking in calls to Child Health Line
CW Butler, S Danby, M Emmison, K Thorpe
Sociology of health & illness 31 (6), 817-834, 2009
Nature connectedness and biophilic design
M Richardson, CW Butler
Building Research & Information 50 (1-2), 36-42, 2022
Extending client-centered support: Counselors' proposals to shift from e-mail to telephone counseling
J Harris, S Danby, CW Butler, M Emmison
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 32 (1), 21-37, 2012
‘Have you talked with a teacher yet?’: How helpline counsellors support young callers being bullied at school
S Danby, CW Butler, M Emmison
Children & Society 25 (4), 328-339, 2011
The Joy of birds: the effect of rating for joy or counting garden bird species on wellbeing, anxiety, and nature connection
ME White, I Hamlin, CW Butler, M Richardson
Urban Ecosystems, 1-11, 2023
Walking out on air
N Llewellyn, CW Butler
Research on Language and Social Interaction 44 (1), 44-64, 2011
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Articles 1–20