Sarah J Spencer
Sarah J Spencer
Professor of Neuroscience, RMIT University
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Cited by
Obesity and neuroinflammation: a pathway to cognitive impairment
AA Miller, SJ Spencer
Brain, behavior, and immunity 42, 10-21, 2014
Eating behavior and stress: a pathway to obesity
L Sominsky, SJ Spencer
Frontiers in psychology 5, 88770, 2014
Postnatal inflammation increases seizure susceptibility in adult rats
MA Galic, K Riazi, JG Heida, A Mouihate, NM Fournier, SJ Spencer, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (27), 6904-6913, 2008
A Chat (GPT) about the future of scientific publishing
EL Hill-Yardin, MR Hutchinson, R Laycock, SJ Spencer
Brain, behavior, and immunity 110, 152-154, 2023
Food for thought: how nutrition impacts cognition and emotion
SJ Spencer, A Korosi, S Layé, B Shukitt-Hale, RM Barrientos
npj Science of Food 1 (1), 7, 2017
Ghrelin regulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and restricts anxiety after acute stress
SJ Spencer, L Xu, MA Clarke, M Lemus, A Reichenbach, B Geenen, ...
Biological psychiatry 72 (6), 457-465, 2012
High-fat diet and aging interact to produce neuroinflammation and impair hippocampal-and amygdalar-dependent memory
SJ Spencer, H D'Angelo, A Soch, LR Watkins, SF Maier, RM Barrientos
Neurobiology of aging 58, 88-101, 2017
Medial prefrontal cortex control of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus response to psychological stress: possible role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
SJ Spencer, KM Buller, TA Day
Journal of comparative neurology 481 (4), 363-376, 2005
The glucocorticoid contribution to obesity
SJ Spencer, A Tilbrook
Stress 14 (3), 233-246, 2011
Microglia: Key players in neurodevelopment and neuronal plasticity
L Sominsky, S De Luca, SJ Spencer
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology 94, 56-60, 2018
Ghrelin’s role in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis stress response: implications for mood disorders
SJ Spencer, TL Emmerzaal, T Kozicz, ZB Andrews
Biological psychiatry 78 (1), 19-27, 2015
Early-life immune challenge: defining a critical window for effects on adult responses to immune challenge
SJ Spencer, S Martin, A Mouihate, QJ Pittman
Neuropsychopharmacology 31 (9), 1910-1918, 2006
Early life immune challenge—effects on behavioural indices of adult rat fear and anxiety
SJ Spencer, JG Heida, QJ Pittman
Behavioural brain research 164 (2), 231-238, 2005
Gender inequality in publishing during the COVID-19 pandemic
AK Ribarovska, MR Hutchinson, QJ Pittman, C Pariante, SJ Spencer
Brain, behavior, and immunity 91, 1, 2020
The impact of obesity and hypercaloric diet consumption on anxiety and emotional behavior across the lifespan
KD Baker, A Loughman, SJ Spencer, AC Reichelt
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 83, 173-182, 2017
Neonatal programming of innate immune function
SJ Spencer, MA Galic, QJ Pittman
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 300 (1), E11-E18, 2011
Early life activation of toll-like receptor 4 reprograms neural anti-inflammatory pathways
A Mouihate, MA Galic, SL Ellis, SJ Spencer, S Tsutsui, QJ Pittman
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (23), 7975-7983, 2010
Early life programming of obesity: the impact of the perinatal environment on the development of obesity and metabolic dysfunction in the offspring.
S J. Spencer
Current diabetes reviews 8 (1), 55-68, 2012
Thalamic paraventricular nucleus lesions facilitate central amygdala neuronal responses to acute psychological stress
SJ Spencer, JC Fox, TA Day
Brain research 997 (2), 234-237, 2004
Neonatal overfeeding alters adult anxiety and stress responsiveness
SJ Spencer, A Tilbrook
Psychoneuroendocrinology 34 (8), 1133-1143, 2009
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Articles 1–20