Emeritus Professor Victor Minichiello, PhD

Emeritus Professor Victor Minichiello, PhD

University of New England & Queensland University of Technology
Verified email at qut.edu.au
Cited by 15739
Allen M. Omoto

Allen M. Omoto

Claremont Graduate University
Verified email at cgu.edu
Cited by 11161
Myrtle P. Bell

Myrtle P. Bell

Professor of Management, University of Texas at Arlington
Verified email at uta.edu
Cited by 10681
christopher keys

christopher keys

DePaul University; University of Illinois at Chicago
Verified email at depaul.edu
Cited by 9276
Andy Martens

Andy Martens

Verified email at google.com
Cited by 7773
Abbe Mowshowitz

Abbe Mowshowitz

Professor of Computer Science, The City College of New York
Verified email at cs.ccny.cuny.edu
Cited by 6486
Rajneesh Kumar Saxena

Rajneesh Kumar Saxena

Rajneesh is an Indian freelance journalist, covering political and crime stories.
Verified email at tv9.com
Cited by 6374
2120 Navya Mohan k

2120 Navya Mohan k

social work student
Cited by 6103
Joonha Park

Joonha Park

Kyoto University
Verified email at kyoto-u.ac.jp
Cited by 4586
José María León Rubio

José María León Rubio

Full professor. Social Psychology Department (Universidad de Sevilla)
Verified email at us.es
Cited by 3894
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