Wojciech Drygas, MD,PhD

Wojciech Drygas, MD,PhD

Professor of Medicine, National Institute of Cardiology, Medical University of Lodz, Poland
Verified email at ikard.pl
Cited by 37051
Travis Saunders

Travis Saunders

Assistant Professor, University of Prince Edward Island
Verified email at upei.ca
Cited by 26053
Cynthia M. Pérez

Cynthia M. Pérez

University of Puerto Rico School of Public Health
Verified email at upr.edu
Cited by 21723
Orfeu Buxton, PhD

Orfeu Buxton, PhD

Elizabeth Fenton Susman Professor of Biobehavioral Health, Pennsylvania State University
Verified email at psu.edu
Cited by 21517
Shai Iris

Shai Iris

Prof. Iris Shai - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Adjunct Professor at Harvard University …
Verified email at bgu.ac.il
Cited by 20060
SoJung Lee, PhD

SoJung Lee, PhD

Professor, Graduate School of Physical Education, Kyung Hee University
Verified email at khu.ac.kr
Cited by 10281
Christopher E. Kline

Christopher E. Kline

Associate Professor, Department of Health & Human Development, University of Pittsburgh
Verified email at pitt.edu
Cited by 6963
Louisa Gnatiuc Friedrichs

Louisa Gnatiuc Friedrichs

University of Oxford, CTSU, NDPH
Verified email at ndph.ox.ac.uk
Cited by 3470
Cristina Azcona San Julián

Cristina Azcona San Julián

Department of Pediatrics. University of Navarra.
Verified email at unav.es
Cited by 2851
Roberto Leo

Roberto Leo

Professore aggregato, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Verified email at uniroma2.it
Cited by 2491
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