Alireza Mohajjel Aghdam
Alireza Mohajjel Aghdam
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The relationship between learning motivation and self efficacy among nursing students
H Hassankhani, AM Aghdam, A Rahmani, Z Mohammadpoorfard
Research and Development in Medical Education 4 (1), 97-101, 2014
Comparing the effects of concept mapping and integration method on nursing students' learning in nursing process course in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
A Rahmani, A Mohajjel Aghdam, E Fathi Azar, F Abdullahzadeh
Iranian Journal of medical education 7 (1), 41-49, 2007
Knowledge and performance about nursing ethic codes from nurses' and patients' perspective in Tabriz Teaching Hospitals, Iran
A Mohajjel-Aghdam, H Hassankhani, V Zamanzadeh, S Khameneh, ...
Journal of caring sciences 2 (3), 219, 2013
Determine and compare the viewpoints of nurses, patients and their relatives to workplace violence against nurses
N Babaei, A Rahmani, M Avazeh, AR Mohajjelaghdam, V Zamanzadeh, ...
Journal of Nursing Management 26 (5), 563-570, 2018
The effects of a patient-caregiver education and follow-up program on the breast cancer caregiver strain index
ZK Nejad, AM Aghdam, H Hassankhani, Z Sanaat
Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal 18 (3), e21627, 2016
Knowledge and practice of Tabriz teaching hospitals’ nurses regarding nursing documentation
M Jasemi, V Zamanzadeh, A Rahmani, A Mohajjel, F Alsadathoseini
Thrita 2 (2), 2012
Social support and its predictors among Iranian cancer survivors
S Faghani, A Rahmani, N Parizad, AR Mohajjel-Aghdam, H Hassankhani, ...
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15 (22), 9767-9771, 2014
Nurses' performance on Iranian nursing code of ethics from patients' perspective
A Mohajjel Aghdam, H Hassankhani, V Zamanzadeh, S Khameneh, ...
Iran Journal of Nursing 26 (84), 1-11, 2013
Effect of educational program on quality of life of patients with heart failure: a randomized clinical trial
S Lakdizaji, H Hassankhni, AM Agdam, M Khajegodary, R Salehi
Journal of caring sciences 2 (1), 11, 2013
Fear of cancer recurrence and its predictive factors among Iranian cancer patients
AM Aghdam, A Rahmani, ZK Nejad, C Ferguson, A Mohammadpoorasl, ...
Indian journal of palliative care 20 (2), 128, 2014
The relationship between pain and physical function in adults with Knee Osteoarthritis
ARM Aghdam, S Kolahi, H Hasankhani, M Behshid, Z Varmaziar
International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences 4 (5), 1102-1106, 2013
Knowledge and attitude of nurses toward caring for end of life patients
MH Aghaei, AA Mohajjel, S Bodaghi, AS AZAMI
Iran Journal of Nursing 30 (107), 74-82, 2017
Perception of patients regarding respecting to their autonomy during nursing care in hospitals affiliated to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
M Agdam
Assessing quality of nursing documentations and effective factors on it in medical-surgical units
VZ Madineh Jasemi, Alireza Mohajal Aghdam, Azad Rahmani, Farahnaz Abdollahzadeh
Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management 1 (3), 37 - 45, 2012
Workplace violence against nurses from the viewpoint of patients
B N (MSc student) - Rahmani 2 A (Ph.D) - Mohajjel-aghdam 3 AR (MSc student ...
Iranian Journal of Psychiatric Nursing 1 (2), 43 - 54, 2014
The effect of adapted model of mastery learning on cognitive and practical learning of nursing students
A Rahmani, AR Mohajjelaghdam, E Fathi Azar, F Roshangar
Iranian Journal of Medical Education 7 (2), 277-267, 2008
Supportive Care Needs of Iranian Cancer Survivors and Relationships with Social Support
Safieh Faghani, Robab Mohammadian, Azad Rahmani, Ali-Reza MohajjelAghdam ...
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 16 (15), 6339-6345, 2015
Relation of patients self-efficacy with control of asthma symptoms
MohajjelAghdam A (MSc) , Hasankhani H (PhD) , Gharemohammadlu R (MD ...
Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences 15 (2), 70 - 76, 2013
Cancer-Related Self-Efficacy in Iranian Women With Breast Cancer
Zahra KochakiNejad, Alireza Mohajjel Aghdam,Hadi Hassankhani, Mohammad ...
Women's Health Bulletin 2 (2), 2015
Quality of nursing documents in medical-surgical wards of teaching hospitals related to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
ARM Aghdam, M Jasemi, A Rahmani
Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 14 (2), 2009
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