Άρθρα με εντολές δημόσιας πρόσβασης - Emmanuel DoelschΜάθετε περισσότερα
Δεν είναι διαθέσιμο πουθενά: 2
Ni-Cu bimetallic catalytic membranes for continuous nitrophenol conversion
N Zhang, Y Wu, AM Awad, E Doelsch, CF de Lannoy
Chemical Engineering Journal 467, 143435, 2023
Εντολές: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada First …
Experimental evaluation of zinc and copper terrestrial ecotoxicity prediction by life cycle assessment in agricultural recycling of livestock effluent
E Clement, MN Bravin, A Avadi, E Doelsch
Environmental Science & Technology, 2025
Εντολές: European Commission
Διαθέσιμο κάπου: 27
Soil organo-mineral associations formed by co-precipitation of Fe, Si and Al in presence of organic ligands
WZ Tamrat, J Rose, O Grauby, E Doelsch, C Levard, P Chaurand, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 260, 15-28, 2019
Εντολές: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Increased zinc and copper availability in organic waste amended soil potentially involving distinct release mechanisms
M Tella, MN Bravin, L Thuriès, P Cazevieille, C Chevassus-Rosset, ...
Environmental pollution 212, 299-306, 2016
Εντολές: US National Science Foundation
Anaerobic digestion alters copper and zinc speciation
S Legros, C Levard, CE Marcato-Romain, M Guiresse, E Doelsch
Environmental science & technology 51 (18), 10326-10334, 2017
Εντολές: US Department of Energy
Lead, zinc, and copper redistributions in soils along a deposition gradient from emissions of a Pb-Ag smelter decommissioned 100 years ago
R Gelly, Z Fekiacova, A Guihou, E Doelsch, P Deschamps, C Keller
Science of the Total Environment 665, 502-512, 2019
Εντολές: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
In Vitro, in Vivo, and Spectroscopic Assessment of Lead Exposure Reduction via Ingestion and Inhalation Pathways Using Phosphate and Iron Amendments
F Kastury, E Smith, E Doelsch, E Lombi, M Donnelley, PL Cmielewski, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (17), 10329-10341, 2019
Εντολές: US Department of Energy, European Commission
The impact of fermentation on the distribution of cadmium in cacao beans
R Vanderschueren, V De Mesmaeker, S Mounicou, MP Isaure, E Doelsch, ...
Food Research International 127, 108743, 2020
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders), European Commission
Direct uptake of organically derived carbon by grass roots and allocation in leaves and phytoliths: C labeling evidence
A Alexandre, J Balesdent, P Cazevieille, C Chevassus-Rosset, P Signoret, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (5), 1693-1703, 2016
Εντολές: US National Science Foundation
Drastic change in zinc speciation during anaerobic digestion and composting: instability of nanosized zinc sulfide
M Le Bars, S Legros, C Levard, P Chaurand, M Tella, M Rovezzi, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (22), 12987-12996, 2018
Εντολές: US Department of Energy
Radical change of Zn speciation in pig slurry amended soil: Key role of nano-sized sulfide particles
TA Formentini, S Legros, CVS Fernandes, A Pinheiro, M Le Bars, ...
Environmental Pollution 222, 495-503, 2017
Εντολές: US Department of Energy
How microbial biofilms control the environmental fate of engineered nanoparticles?
M Desmau, A Carboni, M Le Bars, E Doelsch, MF Benedetti, M Auffan, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 82, 2020
Εντολές: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
X-ray absorption spectroscopy evidence of sulfur-bound cadmium in the Cd-hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum and the non-accumulator Solanum melongena
ML Pons, B Collin, E Doelsch, P Chaurand, T Fehlauer, C Levard, ...
Environmental Pollution 279, 116897, 2021
Εντολές: European Commission
Zinc speciation in organic waste drives its fate in amended soils
NR Hodomihou, F Feder, S Legros, TA Formentini, E Lombi, E Doelsch
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (19), 12034-12041, 2020
Εντολές: European Commission
Relative weight of organic waste origin on compost and digestate 16S rRNA gene bacterial profilings and related functional inferences
A Aigle, E Bourgeois, L Marjolet, S Houot, D Patureau, E Doelsch, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 667043, 2021
Εντολές: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Trace contaminants in the environmental assessment of organic waste recycling in agriculture: Gaps between methods and knowledge
A Avadí, P Benoit, MN Bravin, B Cournoyer, F Feder, W Galia, P Garnier, ...
Advances in agronomy 174, 53-188, 2022
Εντολές: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Contrasted fate of zinc sulfide nanoparticles in soil revealed by a combination of X-ray absorption spectroscopy, diffusive gradient in thin films and isotope tracing
M Le Bars, S Legros, C Levard, C Chevassus-Rosset, M Montes, M Tella, ...
Environmental Pollution 292, 118414, 2022
Εντολές: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Phytoavailability of silver at predicted environmental concentrations: does the initial ionic or nanoparticulate form matter?
C Layet, C Santaella, M Auffan, C Chevassus-Rosset, M Montes, ...
Environmental Science: Nano 6 (1), 127-135, 2019
Εντολές: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Bacterial metabolites and particle size determine cerium oxide nanomaterial biotransformation
B Collin, M Auffan, E Doelsch, O Proux, I Kieffer, P Ortet, C Santaella
Environmental Science & Technology 56 (23), 16838-16847, 2022
Εντολές: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Redistribution of Zn towards light-density fractions and potentially mobile phases in a long-term manure-amended clayey soil
TA Formentini, I Basile-Doelsch, S Legros, D Borschneck, JS Venzon, ...
Geoderma 394 (1), 115044, 2021
Εντολές: European Commission
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