Professor of Physics, Pondicherry University, Puducherry 605014,India
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Generating mechanism for higher-order rogue waves
JS He, HR Zhang, LH Wang, K Porsezian, AS Fokas
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (5 …, 2013
Effect of discreteness on the continuum limit of the Heisenberg spin chain
M Lakshmanan, K Porsezian, M Daniel
Physics Letters A 133 (9), 483-488, 1988
Breather and rogue wave solutions of a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation
LH Wang, K Porsezian, JS He
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (5 …, 2013
Optical solitons in presence of Kerr dispersion and self-frequency shift
K Porsezian, K Nakkeeran
Physical review letters 76 (21), 3955, 1996
On the integrability aspects of the one‐dimensional classical continuum isotropic biquadratic Heisenberg spin chain
K Porsezian, M Daniel, M Lakshmanan
Journal of mathematical physics 33 (5), 1807-1816, 1992
Rogue waves of the Hirota and the Maxwell-Bloch equations
C Li, J He, K Porsezian
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (1 …, 2013
Few-cycle optical rogue waves: complex modified Korteweg–de Vries equation
J He, L Wang, L Li, K Porsezian, R Erdélyi
Physical Review E 89 (6), 062917, 2014
Salinity sensor using photonic crystal fiber
D Vigneswaran, N Ayyanar, M Sharma, M Sumathi, M Rajan, K Porsezian
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 269, 22-28, 2018
-order bright and dark rogue waves in a resonant erbium-doped fiber system
J He, S Xu, K Porsezian
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (6 …, 2012
Optical solitons in N-coupled higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equations
K Nakkeeran, K Porsezian, PS Sundaram, A Mahalingam
Physical review letters 80 (7), 1425, 1998
The Darboux transformation of the Kundu–Eckhaus equation
D Qiu, J He, Y Zhang, K Porsezian
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2015
Dark-in-the-Bright solitary wave solution of higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation with non-Kerr terms
A Choudhuri, K Porsezian
Optics Communications 285 (3), 364-367, 2012
Propagation of dark solitons with higher-order effects in optical fibers
A Mahalingam, K Porsezian
Physical Review E 64 (4), 046608, 2001
Optical solitons: theoretical and experimental challenges
K Porsezian, VC Kuriakose
Springer, 2008
Optical soliton propagation in an erbium doped nonlinear light guide with higher order dispersion
K Porsezian, K Nakkeeran
Physical review letters 74 (15), 2941, 1995
On the integrability of the inhomogeneous spherically symmetric Heisenberg ferromagnet in arbitrary dimensions
M Daniel, K Porsezian, M Lakshmanan
Journal of Mathematical Physics 35 (12), 6498-6510, 1994
Coupled higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equations in nonlinear optics: Painlevé analysis and integrability
K Porsezian, PS Sundaram, A Mahalingam
Physical Review E 50 (2), 1543, 1994
New types of rogue wave in an erbium-doped fibre system
J He, S Xu, K Porsezian
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81 (3), 033002, 2012
PT-symmetric nonlocal Davey–Stewartson I equation: soliton solutions with nonzero background
J Rao, Y Cheng, K Porsezian, D Mihalache, J He
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 401, 132180, 2020
Nonlinear compression of solitary waves in asymmetric twin-core fibers
TS Raju, PK Panigrahi, K Porsezian
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (2 …, 2005
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