Dachun YANG
Dachun YANG
Beijng Normal University, Professor
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Morrey and campanato meet Besov, lizorkin and Triebel
W Yuan, W Sickel, D Yang
Springer, 2010
A theory of Besov and Triebel‐Lizorkin spaces on metric measure spaces modeled on Carnot‐Carathéodory spaces
Y Han, D Müller, D Yang
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2008 (1), 893409, 2008
The Weighted Herz-Type Hardy Space and Its Applications.
S Lu, D Yang
Chinese Science Abstracts Series A 6 (14), 3, 1995
The Decomposition of Weighted Herz Space on R n and Its Applications.
S Lu, D Yang
Chinese Science Abstracts Series A 4 (14), 3, 1995
Boundedness of some sublinear operators on Herz spaces
X Li, D Yang
Illinois Journal of Mathematics 40 (3), 484-501, 1996
Herz type spaces and their applications
S Lu, D Yang, G Hu
Science Press, 2008
A new class of function spaces connecting Triebel–Lizorkin spaces and Q spaces
D Yang, W Yuan
Journal of Functional Analysis 255 (10), 2760-2809, 2008
New Besov-type spaces and Triebel–Lizorkin-type spaces including Q spaces
D Yang, W Yuan
Mathematische Zeitschrift 265 (2), 451-480, 2010
Hardy spaces for ball quasi-Banach function spaces
Y Sawano, KP Ho, D Yang, S Yang
Dissertationes mathematicae 525, 1-102, 2017
Real-variable theory of Musielak-Orlicz Hardy spaces
D Yang, Y Liang, LD Ky
Springer 2182, xiii+ 466, 2017
Pointwise characterizations of Besov and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces and quasiconformal mappings
P Koskela, D Yang, Y Zhou
Advances in Mathematics 226 (4), 3579-3621, 2011
Littlewood–Paley characterizations for Hardy spaces on spaces of homogeneous type
Y Han, D Müller, D Yang
Mathematische Nachrichten 279 (13‐14), 1505-1537, 2006
Vector-valued singular integrals and maximal functions on spaces of homogeneous type
L Grafakos, L Liu, D Yang
Mathematica Scandinavica, 296-310, 2009
New Orlicz–Hardy spaces associated with divergence form elliptic operators
R Jiang, D Yang
Journal of Functional Analysis 258 (4), 1167-1224, 2010
New characterizations of Hajłasz-Sobolev spaces on metric spaces
D Yang
Science in China Series A: Mathematics 46, 675-689, 2003
Regularity in Morrey Spaces of Strong Solutions to Nondivergence Elliptic Equations with VMO Coefficients
D Fan, S Lu, D Yang
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 5 (5), 425-440, 1998
Atomic and Littlewood–Paley characterizations of anisotropic mixed-norm Hardy spaces and their applications
L Huang, J Liu, D Yang, W Yuan
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 29, 1991-2067, 2019
Weighted anisotropic Hardy spaces and their applications in boundedness of sublinear operators
M Bownik, B Li, D Yang, Y Zhou
Indiana University mathematics journal, 3065-3100, 2008
New characterizations of Besov-Triebel-Lizorkin-Hausdorff spaces including coorbits and wavelets
Y Liang, Y Sawano, T Ullrich, D Yang, W Yuan
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 18 (5), 1067-1111, 2012
Orlicz–Hardy spaces associated with operators satisfying Davies–Gaffney estimates
R Jiang, D Yang
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 13 (02), 331-373, 2011
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