Diaspora: genealogies of semantics and transcultural comparison M Baumann Numen 47 (3), 313-337, 2000 | 353 | 2000 |
Westward Dharma―Buddhism Beyond Asia CS Prebish University of California Press, 2002 | 276 | 2002 |
Global Buddhism: developmental periods, regional histories, and a new analytical perspective M Baumann Journal of global Buddhism 2, 1-43, 2001 | 270 | 2001 |
Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices [6 volumes] JG Melton, M Baumann Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2010 | 171 | 2010 |
Migration-religion-integration: Buddhistische Vietnamesen und hinduistische Tamilen in Deutschland M Baumann Diagonal-Verlag, 2000 | 111 | 2000 |
Protective amulets and awareness techniques, or how to make sense of Buddhism in the West M Baumann Westward Dharma: Buddhism Beyond Asia, 51-65, 2002 | 105 | 2002 |
Eine Schweiz-viele Religionen: Risiken und Chancen des Zusammenlebens M Baumann, J Stolz transcript Verlag, 2007 | 102 | 2007 |
Buddhism in Europe: Past, present, prospects M Baumann Westward dharma, 85-105, 2002 | 101 | 2002 |
The transplantation of Buddhism to Germany: processive modes and strategies of adaptation M Baumann Method & theory in the study of religion 6 (1), 35-61, 1994 | 92 | 1994 |
The Dharma has come West: A survey of recent studies and sources M Baumann Journal of Buddhist Ethics 4, 1997 | 88 | 1997 |
Templeisation: Continuity and change of Hindu traditions in diaspora M Baumann Journal of religion in Europe 2 (2), 149-179, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |
Conceptualizing Diaspora. The Preservation of Religious Identity in Foreign Parts, exemplified by Hindu Communities outside India M Baumann Temenos 31, 1995 | 87 | 1995 |
Migration–Religion–Integration M Baumann Buddhistische Vietnamesen und hinduistische Tamilen in Deutschland. Marburg …, 2000 | 83 | 2000 |
Deutsche Buddhisten M Baumann Geschichte und Gemeinschaften 2, 1993 | 80 | 1993 |
Religion und ihre Bedeutung für Migranten M Baumann Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 88 (3), 250-263, 2004 | 79 | 2004 |
Creating a European path to nirvana: historical and contemporary developments of Buddhism in Europe M Baumann Journal of Contemporary Religion 10 (1), 55-70, 1995 | 77 | 1995 |
1| Exile M Baumann Diasporas: Concepts, intersections, identities, 2013 | 74 | 2013 |
Deutsche Buddhisten: Geschichte und Gemeinschaften M Baumann diagonal-Verlag, 1995 | 74 | 1995 |
Culture Contact and Valuation: Early German Buddhists and the Creation of a ‘Buddhism in Protestant Shape’ M Baumann Numen 44 (3), 270-295, 1997 | 71 | 1997 |
Sustaining'little Indias': Hindu diasporas in Europe M Baumann Strangers and sojourners, 95-132, 1998 | 65 | 1998 |