What is sigma of the stress drop? F Cotton, R Archuleta, M Causse
Seismological Research Letters 84 (1), 42-48, 2013
186 2013 The earthquake‐source inversion validation (SIV) project PM Mai, D Schorlemmer, M Page, JP Ampuero, K Asano, M Causse, ...
Seismological Research Letters 87 (3), 690-708, 2016
139 2016 Global catalog of earthquake rupture velocities shows anticorrelation between stress drop and rupture velocity A Chounet, M Vallée, M Causse, F Courboulex
Tectonophysics 733, 148-158, 2018
95 2018 Seismic vulnerability assessment to slight damage based on experimental modal parameters C Michel, P Guéguen, M Causse
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 41 (1), 81-98, 2012
77 2012 Exceptional ground motion during the shallow Mw 4.9 2019 Le Teil earthquake, France M Causse, C Cornou, E Maufroy, JRG Grasso, L Baillet, E El Haber
Communications Earth & Environment 2 (14), 2021
59 2021 Variability of dynamic source parameters inferred from kinematic models of past earthquakes M Causse, LA Dalguer, PM Mai
Geophysical Journal International 196 (3), 1754-1769, 2014
59 2014 Are stress drop and rupture velocity of earthquakes independent? Insight from observed ground motion variability M Causse, SG Song
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (18), 7383-7389, 2015
58 2015 Calibrating median and uncertainty estimates for a practical use of empirical Green’s functions technique M Causse, F Cotton, C Cornou, PY Bard
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 98 (1), 344-353, 2008
58 2008 Stress‐drop variability of shallow earthquakes extracted from a global database of source time functions F Courboulex, M Vallée, M Causse, A Chounet
Seismological Research Letters 87 (4), 912-918, 2016
57 2016 Constraining the roughness degree of slip heterogeneity M Causse, F Cotton, PM Mai
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B5), 2010
55 2010 Rapid response to the M 4.9 earthquake of November 11, 2019 in Le Teil, Lower Rhône Valley, France C Cornou, JP Ampuero, C Aubert, L Audin, S Baize, J Billant, F Brenguier, ...
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 353 (S1), 1-23, 2021
48 2021 New approach for coupling k −2 and empirical Green's functions: application to the blind prediction of broad-band ground motion in the Grenoble basin M Causse, E Chaljub, F Cotton, C Cornou, PY Bard
Geophysical Journal International 179 (3), 1627-1644, 2009
48 2009 Eurocode 8-compatible synthetic time-series as input to dynamic analysis M Causse, A Laurendeau, M Perrault, J Douglas, LF Bonilla, P Guéguen
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 12, 755-768, 2014
24 2014 Is ground‐motion variability distance dependent? Insight from finite‐source rupture simulations A Imtiaz, M Causse, E Chaljub, F Cotton
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 105 (2A), 950-962, 2015
23 2015 Spatial variability of the directivity pulse periods observed during an earthquake R Fayjaloun, M Causse, C Voisin, C Cornou, F Cotton
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 107 (1), 308-318, 2017
16 2017 Influence of source, path, and site effects on the magnitude dependence of ground‐motion decay with distance A Dujardin, F Courboulex, M Causse, P Traversa
Seismological Research Letters 87 (1), 138-148, 2016
16 2016 Broad-band strong motion simulations coupling k-square kinematic source models with empirical Green's functions: the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake S Del Gaudio, M Causse, G Festa
Geophysical Journal International 203 (1), 720-736, 2015
16 2015 Seismic stereometry reveals preparatory behavior and source kinematics of intermediate‐size earthquakes A Mordret, F Brenguier, M Causse, P Boué, C Voisin, I Dumont, FL Vernon, ...
Geophysical research letters 47 (17), e2020GL088563, 2020
11 2020 Radiation patterns control the near‐source ground‐motion saturation effect A Dujardin, M Causse, C Berge‐Thierry, F Hollender
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (6), 3398-3412, 2018
11 2018 Ground motion prediction in Beirut: a multi-step procedure coupling empirical Green’s functions, ground motion prediction equations and instrumental transfer functions M Brax, M Causse, PY Bard
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 14, 3317-3341, 2016
10 2016