Άρθρα με εντολές δημόσιας πρόσβασης - Alexander van GeenΜάθετε περισσότερα
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Spatial and temporal variations of groundwater arsenic in South and Southeast Asia
S Fendorf, HA Michael, A Van Geen
Science 328 (5982), 1123-1127, 2010
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Arsenic exposure from drinking water, and all-cause and chronic-disease mortalities in Bangladesh (HEALS): a prospective cohort study
M Argos, T Kalra, PJ Rathouz, Y Chen, B Pierce, F Parvez, T Islam, ...
The Lancet 376 (9737), 252-258, 2010
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Arsenic exposure from drinking water and mortality from cardiovascular disease in Bangladesh: prospective cohort study
Y Chen, JH Graziano, F Parvez, M Liu, V Slavkovich, T Kalra, M Argos, ...
Bmj 342, 2011
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Arsenic and manganese exposure and children's intellectual function
GA Wasserman, X Liu, F Parvez, P Factor-Litvak, H Ahsan, D Levy, J Kline, ...
Neurotoxicology 32 (4), 450-457, 2011
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Manganese exposure from drinking water and children's academic achievement
K Khan, GA Wasserman, X Liu, E Ahmed, F Parvez, V Slavkovich, D Levy, ...
Neurotoxicology 33 (1), 91-97, 2012
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Manganese exposure from drinking water and children’s classroom behavior in Bangladesh
K Khan, P Factor-Litvak, GA Wasserman, X Liu, E Ahmed, F Parvez, ...
Environmental health perspectives 119 (10), 1501-1506, 2011
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Arsenic exposure and motor function among children in Bangladesh
F Parvez, GA Wasserman, P Factor-Litvak, X Liu, V Slavkovich, ...
Environmental health perspectives 119 (11), 1665-1670, 2011
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
A cross-sectional study of well water arsenic and child IQ in Maine schoolchildren
GA Wasserman, X Liu, NJ LoIacono, J Kline, P Factor-Litvak, A van Geen, ...
Environmental Health 13, 1-10, 2014
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Flushing history as a hydrogeological control on the regional distribution of arsenic in shallow groundwater of the Bengal Basin
A van Geen, Y Zheng, S Goodbred Jr, A Horneman, Z Aziz, Z Cheng, ...
Environmental science & technology 42 (7), 2283-2288, 2008
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Centennial changes in North Pacific anoxia linked to tropical trade winds
C Deutsch, W Berelson, R Thunell, T Weber, C Tems, J McManus, ...
Science 345 (6197), 665-668, 2014
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health, Human Frontier Science Program
Retardation of arsenic transport through a Pleistocene aquifer
A Van Geen, BC Bostick, P Thi Kim Trang, VM Lan, NN Mai, PD Manh, ...
Nature 501 (7466), 204-207, 2013
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Comparison of fecal indicators with pathogenic bacteria and rotavirus in groundwater
AS Ferguson, AC Layton, BJ Mailloux, PJ Culligan, DE Williams, ...
Science of the Total Environment 431, 314-322, 2012
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Arsenic migration to deep groundwater in Bangladesh influenced by adsorption and water demand
KA Radloff, Y Zheng, HA Michael, M Stute, BC Bostick, I Mihajlov, ...
Nature geoscience 4 (11), 793-798, 2011
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Temporal variability of groundwater chemistry in shallow and deep aquifers of Araihazar, Bangladesh
RK Dhar, Y Zheng, M Stute, A Van Geen, Z Cheng, M Shanewaz, ...
Journal of contaminant hydrology 99 (1-4), 97-111, 2008
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Megacity pumping and preferential flow threaten groundwater quality
MR Khan, M Koneshloo, PSK Knappett, KM Ahmed, BC Bostick, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12833, 2016
Εντολές: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Advection of surface-derived organic carbon fuels microbial reduction in Bangladesh groundwater
BJ Mailloux, E Trembath-Reichert, J Cheung, M Watson, M Stute, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (14), 5331-5335, 2013
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Fecal contamination of shallow tubewells in Bangladesh inversely related to arsenic
A van Geen, KM Ahmed, Y Akita, MJ Alam, PJ Culligan, M Emch, ...
Environmental science & technology 45 (4), 1199-1205, 2011
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Evaluation of an arsenic test kit for rapid well screening in Bangladesh
CM George, Y Zheng, JH Graziano, SB Rasul, Z Hossain, JL Mey, ...
Environmental science & technology 46 (20), 11213-11219, 2012
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Impact of a randomized controlled trial in arsenic risk communication on household water-source choices in Bangladesh
L Bennear, A Tarozzi, A Pfaff, S Balasubramanya, KM Ahmed, ...
Journal of environmental economics and management 65 (2), 225-240, 2013
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
Contributions of floodplain stratigraphy and evolution to the spatial patterns of groundwater arsenic in Araihazar, Bangladesh
B Weinman, SL Goodbred Jr, Y Zheng, Z Aziz, M Steckler, A van Geen, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin 120 (11-12), 1567-1580, 2008
Εντολές: US National Institutes of Health
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