Software for the frontiers of quantum chemistry: An overview of developments in the Q-Chem 5 package E Epifanovsky, ATB Gilbert, X Feng, J Lee, Y Mao, N Mardirossian, ... The Journal of chemical physics 155 (8), 2021 | 937 | 2021 |
The MRCC program system: Accurate quantum chemistry from water to proteins M Kállay, PR Nagy, D Mester, Z Rolik, G Samu, J Csontos, J Csóka, ... The Journal of chemical physics 152 (7), 2020 | 415 | 2020 |
An efficient linear-scaling CCSD (T) method based on local natural orbitals Z Rolik, L Szegedy, I Ladjánszki, B Ladóczki, M Kállay The Journal of chemical physics 139 (9), 2013 | 372 | 2013 |
MRCC, a quantum chemical program suite M Kállay, PR Nagy, D Mester, L Gyevi-Nagy, J Csóka, PB Szabó, Z Rolik, ... URL: http://www. mrcc. hu, accessed August 26th 56, 2016 | 309 | 2016 |
Calculation of quantum chemical two-electron integrals by applying compiler technology on GPU GJ Tornai, I Ladjánszki, Á Rák, G Kis, G Cserey Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (10), 5319-5331, 2019 | 49 | 2019 |
Optimized GPU implementation of merck molecular force field and universal force field Á Jász, Á Rák, I Ladjánszki, G Cserey Journal of Molecular Structure 1188, 227-233, 2019 | 39 | 2019 |
MRCC, a quantum chemical program suite. 2018 M Kállay, PR Nagy, Z Rolik, D Mester, G Samu, J Csontos, J Csóka, ... For the current version, see: http://www. mrcc. hu, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |
Classical molecular dynamics on graphics processing unit architectures Á Jász, Á Rák, I Ladjánszki, G Cserey Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science 10 (2), e1444, 2020 | 18 | 2020 |
A Quantum Chemical Program Suite M Kállay, Z Rolik, J Csontos, I Ladjánszki, L Szegedy, B Ladóczki, ... Budapest University of Technology and Economics: Budapest, Hungary …, 2023 | 14 | 2023 |
Hégely M Kállay, Z Rolik, J Csontos, P Nagy, G Samu, D Mester, J Csóka, ... B. MRCC, Quantum Chemical Program, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
Towards chemically accurate QM/MM simulations on GPUs A Jasz, A Rak, I Ladjanszki, GJ Tornai, G Cserey Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 96, 107536, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
MRCC, quantum chemical program M Kállay, Z Rolik, J Csontos, P Nagy, G Samu, D Mester, J Csóka, ... For the current version, see. https://www. mrcc. hu (last date of access …, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |