Trade policy reform in developing countries since 1985: a review of the evidence JM Dean, S Desai, J Riedel World Bank Publications, 1994 | 295 | 1994 |
The demand for LDC exports of manufactures: estimates from Hong Kong J Riedel The Economic Journal 98 (389), 138-148, 1988 | 273 | 1988 |
The expansion of manufactured exports in developing countries: An empirical assessment of s upply and demand issues JB Donges, J Riedel Review of World Economics 113 (1), 58-87, 1977 | 271 | 1977 |
Trade as the engine of growth in developing countries, revisited J Riedel The Economic Journal 94 (373), 56-73, 1984 | 263 | 1984 |
The nature and determinants of export-oriented direct foreign investment in a developing country: A case study of Taiwan J Riedel Review of World Economics 111 (3), 505-528, 1975 | 260 | 1975 |
Economic development in East Asia: doing what comes naturally? J Riedel Borchardt Library, 1988 | 191 | 1988 |
How China grows: Investment, finance, and reform J Riedel, J Gao, J Jin Princeton University Press, 2020 | 154 | 2020 |
Economic crises and long-term growth in Turkey Z Onis, J Riedel | 142 | 1993 |
The politics and economics of transition to an open market economy in Viet Nam J Riedel, WS Turley OECD, 1999 | 140 | 1999 |
The Industrialization of Hong Kong JC Riedel University of California, Davis, 1972 | 138 | 1972 |
Transition to a market economy in Vietnam J Riedel, B Comer Economies in Transition: Comparing Asia and Eastern Europe, 189-213, 1997 | 133 | 1997 |
Intra-Asian trade and foreign direct investment J Riedel Asian Development Review 9 (01), 111-146, 1991 | 102 | 1991 |
Vietnam: On the trail of the tigers J Riedel World Economy 16 (4), 401-422, 1993 | 100 | 1993 |
Taiwan: From developing to mature economy G Ranis (No Title), 1992 | 95 | 1992 |
A balanced-growth version of the linkage hypothesis: a comment J Riedel The Quarterly Journal of Economics 90 (2), 319-322, 1976 | 82 | 1976 |
Determinants of Indian export performance in the 1970s J Riedel, C Hall, R Grawe Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 120, 40-63, 1984 | 76 | 1984 |
Tariff concessions in the Kennedy Round and the structure of protection in West Germany: An econometric assessment J Riedel Journal of International Economics 7 (2), 133-143, 1977 | 73 | 1977 |
Demand and supply factors in the determination of NIE exports: a simultaneous error-correction model for Hong Kong: a comment P Athukorala, J Riedel The Economic Journal 104 (427), 1411-1414, 1994 | 70 | 1994 |
Factor proportions, linkages and the open developing economy J Riedel The Review of Economics and Statistics, 487-494, 1975 | 66 | 1975 |
The small country assumption: A reassessment with evidence from Korea P Athukorala, J Riedel Review of World Economics 127 (1), 138-151, 1991 | 62 | 1991 |