Prof. Dr. Ferhan Candan
Prof. Dr. Ferhan Candan
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları ABD. Nefroloji Bilim Dalı
Η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου έχει επαληθευτεί στον τομέα cumhuriyet.edu.tr
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Παρατίθεται από
Comparison of body composition analysis methods in clinical routine
T Erselcan, F Candan, S Saruhan, T Ayca
Annals of nutrition and metabolism 44 (5-6), 243-248, 2000
The association of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in early androgenetic alopecia
F Acibucu, M Kayatas, F Candan
Singapore medical journal 51 (12), 931, 2010
Effect of vitamin C and zinc on osmotic fragility and lipid peroxidation in zinc‐deficient haemodialysis patients
F Candan, F Gültekin, F Candan
Cell biochemistry and function 20 (2), 95-98, 2002
Prevalence of hepatitis B and C virus infection in barbers in the Sivas region of Turkey
F Candan, H Alagözlü, Ö Poyraz, H Sümer
Occupational medicine 52 (1), 31-34, 2002
Evaluation of association between atherogenic index of plasma and intima‐media thickness of the carotid artery for subclinic atherosclerosis in patients on maintenance hemodialysis
G Yildiz, A Duman, H Aydin, A Yilmaz, E Hür, K Mağden, G Çetin, ...
Hemodialysis International 17 (3), 397-405, 2013
Prevalence of known mutations in the MEFV gene in a population screening with high rate of carriers
O Ozdemir, I Sezgin, HK Kurtulgan, F Candan, B Koksal, H Sumer, ...
Molecular biology reports 38, 3195-3200, 2011
The incidence of Demodex folliculorum in patients with chronic kidney deficiency
S Ozçelik, Z Sümer, S Değerli, G Ozyazici, SB Hayta, M Akyol, F Candan
Turkiye Parazitolojii Dergisi 31 (1), 66-68, 2007
Association between ABCB1 (MDR1) Gene 3435 C>T Polymorphism and Colchicine Unresponsiveness of FMF Patients
F Ozen, C Silan, A Uludag, F Candan, F Silan, S Ozdemir, S Atik, ...
Renal failure 33 (9), 899-903, 2011
Kronik böbrek yetmezliği olan hastalarda Demodex folliculorum görülme sıklığı
S Özçelik, Z Sümer, S Değerli, G Özyazıcı, S Berksoy Hayta, M Akyol, ...
Türkiye Parazitol Derg 31 (1), 66-68, 2007
Epidemiological features of primary glomerular disease in Turkey: a multicenter study by the Turkish Society of Nephrology Glomerular Diseases Working Group
A Turkmen, A Sumnu, E Cebeci, H Yazici, N Eren, N Seyahi, K Dilek, ...
BMC nephrology 21, 1-11, 2020
Coexistence of systemic lupus erythematosus and familial Mediterranean fever
G Yildiz, M Kayatas, Y Uygun, M Timuçin, F Candan
Internal Medicine 49 (8), 767-769, 2010
Serum leptin levels and malnutrition in patients with chronic renal failure.
M Kayardi, S Icagasioglu, A Yilmaz, F Candan
Saudi medical journal 27 (4), 477-481, 2006
Prevalence of anti-HCV among haemodialysis patients in Turkey: a multicentre study
T Akpolat, N Arik, M Günaydin, C Utaş, K Dilek, Ş Çaglar, F Candan, ...
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 10 (4), 479-480, 1995
The effects of hemodialysis on duodenal and gastric mucosal changes in uremic patients.
C Var, F Gültekin, F Candan, C Türkay, M Sencan, S Içağasioğlu, ...
Clinical nephrology 45 (5), 310-314, 1996
The presence of PAI-1 4G/5G and ACE DD genotypes increases the risk of early-stage AVF thrombosis in hemodialysis patients
Y Güngör, M Kayataş, G Yıldız, Ö Özdemir, F Candan
Renal failure 33 (2), 169-175, 2011
Role of the VEGF 936 gene polymorphism and VEGF-A levels in the late-term arteriovenous fistula thrombosis in patients undergoing hemodialysis
F Candan, G Yildiz, M Kayataş
International urology and nephrology 46, 1815-1823, 2014
Hiponatremi: Güncel tanı ve tedavisi
G Yıldız, M Kayataş, F Candan
Turk Neph Dial Transpl 20 (2), 115-131, 2011
S UgurIu, E BoIayir, F Candan, C Gumus
Acta Reumatológica Portuguesa 34 (1), 2009
Illness perception and hopelessness in hemodialysis
M Mollaoglu, F Candan, M Mollaoglu
Archives of Clinical Nephrology 2 (1), 044-048, 2016
Relationship between serum leptin levels and body composition markers of malnutrition in nondiabetic patients on peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis
A Yilmaz, M Kayardi, S İcagasioglu, F Candan, N Nur, F GUltekin
Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 68 (12), 566-570, 2005
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