Links between worlds: unraveling migratory connectivity MS Webster, PP Marra, SM Haig, S Bensch, RT Holmes Trends in ecology & evolution 17 (2), 76-83, 2002 | 1569 | 2002 |
Molecular contributions to conservation SM Haig Ecology 79 (2), 413-425, 1998 | 569 | 1998 |
Avian movements and wetland connectivity in landscape conservation SM Haig, DW Mehlman, LW Oring Conservation biology 12 (4), 749-758, 1998 | 434 | 1998 |
Taxonomic considerations in listing subspecies under the US Endangered Species Act SM Haig, EA Beever, SM Chambers, HM Draheim, BD Dugger, ... Conservation Biology 20 (6), 1584-1594, 2006 | 342 | 2006 |
Status of the California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) and Efforts to Achieve Its Recovery JR Walters, SR Derrickson, D Michael Fry, SM Haig, JM Marzluff, ... The Auk 127 (4), 969-1001, 2010 | 194 | 2010 |
The persistent problem of lead poisoning in birds from ammunition and fishing tackle SM Haig, J D'Elia, C Eagles-Smith, JM Fair, J Gervais, G Herring, ... The Condor: Ornithological Applications 116 (3), 408-428, 2014 | 187 | 2014 |
Management options for preserving genetic diversity: reintroduction of Guam rails to the wild SM Haig, JD Ballou, SR Derrickson Conservation Biology 4 (3), 290-300, 1990 | 180 | 1990 |
Population differentiation in randomly amplified polymorphic DNA of red‐cockaded woodpeckers Picoides borealis SM Haig, JM Rhymer, DG Heckel Molecular Ecology 3 (6), 581-595, 1994 | 177 | 1994 |
Migratory connectivity PP Marra, DR Norris, SM Haig, M Webster, JA Royle, K Crooks, ... CONSERVATION BIOLOGY SERIES-CAMBRIDGE- 14, 157, 2006 | 171 | 2006 |
Mate, site, and territory fidelity in Piping Plovers SM Haig, LW Oring The Auk 105 (2), 268-277, 1988 | 162 | 1988 |
The piping plover S Haig Natural Areas Journal 3 (3), 35-37, 1983 | 162 | 1983 |
Shorebird use of South Carolina managed and natural coastal wetlands LM Weber, SM Haig The Journal of Wildlife Management, 73-82, 1996 | 146 | 1996 |
Population identification of western hemisphere shorebirds throughout the annual cycle SM Haig, CL Gratto‐Trevor, TD Mullins, MA Colwell Molecular Ecology 6 (5), 413-427, 1997 | 142 | 1997 |
Effects of historical climate change, habitat connectivity, and vicariance on genetic structure and diversity across the range of the red tree vole (Phenacomys longicaudus) in … MP Miller, MR Bellinger, ED Forsman, SM Haig Molecular Ecology 15 (1), 145-159, 2006 | 139 | 2006 |
Population viability analysis for a small population of red‐cockaded woodpeckers and an evaluation of enhancement strategies SM Haig, JR Belthoff, DH Allen Conservation Biology 7 (2), 289-301, 1993 | 139 | 1993 |
Estimates of shorebird populations in North America RIG Morrison, RE Gill Jr, BA Harrington, SK Skagen, GW Page, ... Occasional Paper of the Canadian Wildlife Service, 2001 | 129 | 2001 |
Genetic identification of spotted owls, barred owls, and their hybrids: legal implications of hybrid identity SM Haig, TD Mullins, ED Forsman, PW Trail, LIV Wennerberg Conservation Biology 18 (5), 1347-1357, 2004 | 128 | 2004 |
Distribution and dispersal in the Piping Plover SM Haig, LW Oring The Auk 105 (4), 630-638, 1988 | 120 | 1988 |
Distribution and abundance of Piping Plovers: results and implications of the 1991 International Census SM Haig, JH Plissner The Condor 95 (1), 145-156, 1993 | 110 | 1993 |
Distribution and status of the piping plover throughout the annual cycle SM Haig, LW Oring Journal of Field Ornithology 56 (4), 334-345, 1985 | 110 | 1985 |