Andres Diez-Herrero (ORCID:0000-0003-1106-191X)
Andres Diez-Herrero (ORCID:0000-0003-1106-191X)
Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, IGME-CSIC, Madrid, SPAIN
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Reported tailings dam failures: a review of the European incidents in the worldwide context
M Rico, G Benito, AR Salgueiro, A Díez-Herrero, HG Pereira
Journal of hazardous materials 152 (2), 846-852, 2008
Floods from tailings dam failures
M Rico, G Benito, A Diez-Herrero
Journal of hazardous materials 154 (1-3), 79-87, 2008
Geoheritage: assessment, protection, and management
E Reynard, J Brilha
Elsevier, 2017
Magnitude and frequency of flooding in the Tagus basin (Central Spain) over the last millennium
G Benito, A Díez-Herrero, M Fernández de Villalta
Climatic Change 58 (1), 171-192, 2003
Improvement of resilience of urban areas by integrating social perception in flash-flood risk management
JM Bodoque, M Amérigo, A Díez-Herrero, JA García, B Cortés, ...
Journal of Hydrology 541, 665-676, 2016
Two-dimensional numerical modeling of wood transport
V Ruiz-Villanueva, E Bladé, M Sánchez-Juny, B Marti-Cardona, ...
Journal of Hydroinformatics 16 (5), 1077-1096, 2014
Flood frequency analysis of historical flood data under stationary and non-stationary modelling
MJ Machado, BA Botero, J López, F Francés, A Díez-Herrero, G Benito
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (6), 2561-2576, 2015
Calibration of floodplain roughness and estimation of flood discharge based on tree-ring evidence and hydraulic modelling
JA Ballesteros, JM Bodoque, A Díez-Herrero, M Sanchez-Silva, M Stoffel
Journal of Hydrology 403 (1-2), 103-115, 2011
Flood hazard delineation combining geomorphological and hydrological methods: an example in the Northern Iberian Peninsula
J Lastra, E Fernández, A Díez-Herrero, J Marquínez
Natural Hazards 45, 277-293, 2008
Sheet erosion rates determined by using dendrogeomorphological analysis of exposed tree roots: two examples from Central Spain
JM Bodoque, MD Díez-Herrero, R JF, ...
Catena 64, 81-102, 2005
Geomorfología: principios, métodos y aplicaciones
J Pedraza Gilsanz, RM Carrasco González, A Díez Herrero, ...
Dendrogeomorphic analysis of flash floods in a small ungauged mountain catchment (Central Spain)
V Ruiz-Villanueva, A Díez-Herrero, M Stoffel, M Bollschweiler, ...
Geomorphology 118 (3-4), 383-392, 2010
Estimating flash flood discharge in an ungauged mountain catchment with 2D hydraulic models and dendrogeomorphic palaeostage indicators
JA Ballesteros Cánovas, M Eguibar, JM Bodoque, A Díez‐Herrero, ...
Hydrological Processes 25 (6), 970-979, 2011
Two‐dimensional modelling of large wood transport during flash floods
V Ruiz Villanueva, E Bladé Castellet, A Díez‐Herrero, JM Bodoque, ...
Earth surface processes and landforms 39 (4), 438-449, 2014
Changes in wood anatomy in tree rings of Pinus pinaster Ait. following wounding by flash floods
JA Ballesteros, M Stoffel, JM Bodoque, M Bollschweiler, O Hitz, ...
Tree-Ring Research 66 (2), 93-103, 2010
Flash-flood impacts cause changes in wood anatomy of Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus angustifolia and Quercus pyrenaica
JA Ballesteros, M Stoffel, BPJMDHA Bollschweiler, M
Tree Physiology 3 (0), 773-781, 2010
Enhancing flash flood risk perception and awareness of mitigation actions through risk communication: A pre-post survey design
JM Bodoque, A Díez-Herrero, M Amérigo, JA García, J Olcina
Journal of Hydrology 568, 769-779, 2019
Large wood transport as significant influence on flood risk in a mountain village
V Ruiz-Villanueva, JM Bodoque, A Díez-Herrero, E Bladé
Natural hazards 74, 967-987, 2014
Reconstruction of a flash flood with large wood transport and its influence on hazard patterns in an ungauged mountain basin
V Ruiz‐Villanueva, JM Bodoque, A Díez‐Herrero, MA Eguibar, ...
Hydrological Processes 27 (24), 3424-3437, 2013
Mapas de peligrosidad por avenidas e inundaciones: guía metodológica para su elaboración
AD Herrero, LL Huerta, ML Isidro
IGME, 2008
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