Heidi Appel
Heidi Appel
Dean, Honors College and Professor, University of Houston
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Phenolics in ecological interactions: the importance of oxidation
HM Appel
Journal of chemical ecology 19, 1521-1552, 1993
The growth–defense trade‐off and habitat specialization by plants in Amazonian forests
PVA Fine, ZJ Miller, I Mesones, S Irazuzta, HM Appel, MHH Stevens, ...
Ecology 87 (sp7), S150-S162, 2006
Major signaling pathways modulate Arabidopsis glucosinolate accumulation and response to both phloem-feeding and chewing insects
I Mewis, HM Appel, A Hom, R Raina, JC Schultz
Plant physiology 138 (2), 1149-1162, 2005
Within‐plant signalling via volatiles overcomes vascular constraints on systemic signalling and primes responses against herbivores
CJ Frost, HM Appel, JE Carlson, CM De Moraes, MC Mescher, JC Schultz
Ecology Letters 10 (6), 490-498, 2007
Plants respond to leaf vibrations caused by insect herbivore chewing
HM Appel, RB Cocroft
Oecologia 175 (4), 1257-1266, 2014
Gene expression and glucosinolate accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to generalist and specialist herbivores of different feeding guilds and the role of defense …
I Mewis, JG Tokuhisa, JC Schultz, HM Appel, C Ulrichs, J Gershenzon
Phytochemistry 67 (22), 2450-2462, 2006
Flexible resource allocation during plant defense responses
JC Schultz, HM Appel, AP Ferrieri, TM Arnold
Frontiers in plant science 4, 324, 2013
Limitations of Folin assays of foliar phenolics in ecological studies
HM Appel, HL Govenor, M D'ascenzo, E Siska, JC Schultz
Journal of chemical ecology 27, 761-778, 2001
Overexpression of CRK13, an Arabidopsis cysteine‐rich receptor‐like kinase, results in enhanced resistance to Pseudomonas syringae
BR Acharya, S Raina, SB Maqbool, G Jagadeeswaran, SL Mosher, ...
The Plant Journal 50 (3), 488-499, 2007
Carbohydrate translocation determines the phenolic content of Populus foliage: a test of the sink–source model of plant defense
T Arnold, H Appel, V Patel, E Stocum, A Kavalier, J Schultz
New Phytologist 164 (1), 157-164, 2004
Arabidopsis GH3‐LIKE DEFENSE GENE 1 is required for accumulation of salicylic acid, activation of defense responses and resistance to Pseudomonas syringae
G Jagadeeswaran, S Raina, BR Acharya, SB Maqbool, SL Mosher, ...
The Plant Journal 51 (2), 234-246, 2007
Gut redox conditions in herbivorous lepidopteran larvae
HM Appel, MM Martin
Journal of chemical ecology 16, 3277-3290, 1990
Transcriptional responses of Arabidopsis thaliana to chewing and sucking insect herbivores
HM Appel, H Fescemyer, J Ehlting, D Weston, E Rehrig, T Joshi, D Xu, ...
Frontiers in plant science 5, 565, 2014
Significance of metabolic load in the evolution of host specificity of Manduca sexta
HM Appel, MM Martin
Ecology 73 (1), 216-228, 1992
Oak Tannins Reduce Effectiveness of Thuricide (Bacillus thuringiensis) in the Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)
HM Appel, JC Schultz
Journal of Economic Entomology 87 (6), 1736-1742, 1994
Antimicrobial activity of polyphenols mediates plant-herbivore interactions
JC Schultz, MD Hunter, HM Appel
Plant polyphenols: synthesis, properties, significance, 621-637, 1992
The chewing herbivore gut lumen: physicochemical conditions and their impact on plant nutrients, allelochemicals, and insect pathogens
HM Appel
Insect-Plant Interactions (1993), 209-224, 1993
PhenoPhyte: a flexible affordable method to quantify 2D phenotypes from imagery
JM Green, H Appel, EMN Rehrig, J Harnsomburana, JF Chang, ...
Plant methods 8, 1-12, 2012
Roles for jasmonate-and ethylene-induced transcription factors in the ability of Arabidopsis to respond differentially to damage caused by two insect herbivores
EM Rehrig, HM Appel, AD Jones, JC Schultz
Frontiers in plant science 5, 407, 2014
A galling insect activates plant reproductive programs during gall development
JC Schultz, PP Edger, MJA Body, HM Appel
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 1833, 2019
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