Raffaella Ricci
Raffaella Ricci
Department of Psychology, UniTO
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The anatomy of anosognosia for hemiplegia: a meta-analysis
L Pia, M Neppi-Modona, R Ricci, A Berti
Cortex 40 (2), 367-377, 2004
Perceptual and response bias in unilateral neglect: two modified versions of the Milner landmark task
E Bisiach, R Ricci, M Lualdi, MR Colombo
Brain and Cognition 37 (3), 369-386, 1998
Unilateral spatial neglect after stroke: current insights
R Gammeri, C Iacono, R Ricci, A Salatino
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 131-152, 2020
Visual awareness and anisometry of space representation in unilateral neglect: a panoramic investigation by means of a line extension task
E Bisiach, R Ricci, MN Mòdona
Consciousness and cognition 7 (3), 327-355, 1998
Focal electrical stimulation as a sham control for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: Does it truly mimic the cutaneous sensation and pain of active prefrontal …
AB Arana, JJ Borckardt, R Ricci, B Anderson, X Li, KJ Linder, J Long, ...
Brain Stimulation 1 (1), 44-51, 2008
Cerebral cortex plasticity after 90 days of bed rest: data from TMS and fMRI
DR Roberts, D Ramsey, K Johnson, J Kola, R Ricci, C Hicks, JJ Borckardt, ...
Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 81 (1), 30-40, 2010
1 Hz rTMS enhances extrastriate cortex activity in migraine: evidence of a reduced inhibition?
B Fierro, R Ricci, A Piazza, S Scalia, G Giglia, G Vitello, F Brighina
Neurology 61 (10), 1446-1448, 2003
Bisecting lines with different tools in right brain damaged patients: the role of action programming and sensory feedback in modulating spatial remapping
M Neppi-Mòdona, M Rabuffetti, A Folegatti, R Ricci, L Spinazzola, ...
Cortex 43 (3), 397-410, 2007
Dual task-related gait changes in patients with mild cognitive impairment
A Nascimbeni, S Caruso, A Salatino, M Carenza, M Rigano, A Raviolo, ...
Functional neurology 30 (1), 59, 2015
Imaging the neural mechanisms of TMS neglect-like bias in healthy volunteers with the interleaved TMS/fMRI technique: preliminary evidence
R Ricci, A Salatino, X Li, AP Funk, SL Logan, Q Mu, KA Johnson, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, 326, 2012
Lower limb immobilization is associated with increased corticospinal excitability
DR Roberts, R Ricci, FW Funke, P Ramsey, W Kelley, JS Carroll, ...
Experimental brain research 181, 213-220, 2007
Quantitative analysis of cancellation tasks in neglect
A Chatterjee, KA Thompson, R Ricci
Cortex 35 (2), 253-262, 1999
Using interleaved transcranial magnetic stimulation/functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and dynamic causal modeling to understand the discrete circuit specific changes …
X Li, CH Large, R Ricci, JJ Taylor, Z Nahas, DE Bohning, P Morgan, ...
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 194 (2), 141-148, 2011
A deficit of intermediate vision: Experimental observations and theoretical implications
R Ricci, S Vaishnavi, A Chatterjee
Neurocase 5 (1), 1-12, 1999
Beauty in mind: Aesthetic appreciation correlates with perceptual facilitation and attentional amplification
P Sarasso, I Ronga, P Kobau, T Bosso, I Artusio, R Ricci, ...
Neuropsychologia 136, 107282, 2020
Gait attentional load at different walking speeds
A Nascimbeni, M Minchillo, A Salatino, U Morabito, R Ricci
Gait & posture 41 (1), 304-306, 2015
Effects of attentional and cognitive variables on unilateral spatial neglect
R Ricci, A Salatino, F Garbarini, I Ronga, R Genero, A Berti, ...
Neuropsychologia 92, 158-166, 2016
Lamotrigine and valproic acid have different effects on motorcortical neuronal excitability
X Li, R Ricci, CH Large, B Anderson, Z Nahas, MS George
Journal of neural transmission 116, 423-429, 2009
Illusory contours and specific regions of human extrastriate cortex: evidence from rTMS
F Brighina, R Ricci, A Piazza, S Scalia, G Giglia, B Fierro
European Journal of Neuroscience 17 (11), 2469-2480, 2003
Hunting for right and left parietal hot spots using single-pulse TMS: modulation of visuospatial perception during line bisection judgment in the healthy brain
A Salatino, M Poncini, MS George, R Ricci
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1238, 2014
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