Boris Andreianov
Boris Andreianov
Professor, Institut Denis Poisson, Université de Tours, France
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A Theory of L 1-Dissipative Solvers for Scalar Conservation Laws with Discontinuous Flux
B Andreianov, KH Karlsen, NH Risebro
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 201, 27-86, 2011
Discrete duality finite volume schemes for Leray− Lions− type elliptic problems on general 2D meshes
B Andreianov, F Boyer, F Hubert
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An International …, 2007
Analysis of a finite volume method for a cross-diffusion model in population dynamics
B Andreianov, M Bendahmane, R Ruiz Baier
M3AS Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2011
Finite volume schemes for locally constrained conservation laws
B Andreianov, P Goatin, N Seguin
Numerische Mathematik 115, 609-645, 2010
Discrete duality finite volume schemes for doubly nonlinear degenerate hyperbolic-parabolic equations
B Andreianov, M Bendahmane, KH Karlsen
JHDE Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, 2009
Finite volume methods for degenerate chemotaxis model
B Andreianov, M Bendahmane, M Saad
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 235 (14), 4015-4031, 2011
A nonlinear time compactness result and applications to discretization of degenerate parabolic–elliptic PDEs
B Andreianov, C Cancès, A Moussa
Journal of Functional Analysis 273 (12), 3633-3670, 2017
Vanishing capillarity solutions of Buckley-Leverett equation with gravity in two-rocks' medium
B Andreianov, C Cances
Computational Geosciences 17 (3), 551-572, 2013
On vanishing viscosity approximation of conservation laws with discontinuous flux.
B Andreianov, KH Karlsen, NH Risebro
NHM Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2010
Non-uniqueness of weak solutions for the fractal Burgers equation
N Alibaud, B Andreianov
Annales de l'IHP Analyse non linéaire 27 (4), 997-1016, 2010
Well-posedness results for triply nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations
B Andreianov, M Bendahmane, KH Karlsen, S Ouaro
Journal of Differential Equations 247 (1), 277-302, 2009
Well-posedness of general boundary-value problems for scalar conservation laws
B Andreianov, K Sbihi
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (6), 3763-3806, 2015
A second-order model for vehicular traffics with local point constraints on the flow
B Andreianov, C Donadello, MD Rosini
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 26 (04), 751-802, 2016
Entropy conditions for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux revisited
B Andreianov, D Mitrović
Annales de l'IHP Analyse non linéaire 32 (6), 1307-1335, 2015
On 3D DDFV discretization of gradient and divergence operators. I. Meshing, operators and discrete duality.
B Andreianov, M Bendahmane, F Hubert, S Krell
IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis 32 (4), 1574-1603, 2012
Crowd dynamics and conservation laws with nonlocal constraints and capacity drop
B Andreianov, C Donadello, MD Rosini
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 24 (13), 2685-2722, 2014
Structural stability for variable exponent elliptic problems, II: The p (u)-Laplacian and coupled problems
B Andreianov, M Bendahmane, S Ouaro
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 72 (12), 4649-4660, 2010
Convergence of Finite Volume Approximations for a Nonlinear Elliptic-Parabolic Problem: A" Continuous" Approach
BP Andreianov, M Gutnic, P Wittbold
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 228-251, 2005
A note on uniqueness of entropy solutions to degenerate parabolic equations in R^N
B Andreianov, M Maliki
NoDEA: Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 17 (1), 109-118, 2010
Uniqueness for an elliptic-parabolic problem with Neumann boundary condition
BP Andreianov, F Bouhsiss
Journal of Evolution equations 4 (2), 273-295, 2004
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