Zbigniew Kwieciński
Zbigniew Kwieciński
Department of Avian Biology and Ecology, Adam Mickiewicz University,
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Urban habitats and feeders both contribute to flight initiation distance reduction in birds
AP Møller, P Tryjanowski, M Díaz, Z Kwieciński, P Indykiewicz, C Mitrus, ...
Behavioral ecology 26 (3), 861-865, 2015
Villages and their old farmsteads are hot spots of bird diversity in agricultural landscapes
ZM Rosin, P Skórka, T Pärt, M Żmihorski, A Ekner‐Grzyb, Z Kwieciński, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (5), 1363-1372, 2016
Functional morphology of the tongue in the nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes)
H Jackowiak, K Skieresz-Szewczyk, Z Kwieciński, J Trzcielińska-Lorych, ...
Zoological Science 27 (7), 589-594, 2010
Local and landscape-level factors affecting the density and distribution of the Feral Pigeon Columba livia var. domestica in an urban environment
K Przybylska, A Haidt, Ł Myczko, A Ekner-Grzyb, ZM Rosin, Z Kwieciński, ...
Acta Ornithologica 47 (1), 37-45, 2012
Small things are important: the value of singular point elements for birds in agricultural landscapes
S Pustkowiak, Z Kwieciński, M Lenda, M Żmihorski, ZM Rosin, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (4), 1386-1403, 2021
Koncepcja świadczeń ekosystemowych i jej znaczenie w ochronie przyrody polskiego krajobrazu rolniczego
ZM Rosin, V Takacs, A Báldi, W Banaszak-Cibicka, Z Dajdok, PT Dolata, ...
Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 67 (1), 2011
Habitat preferences of two sparrow species are modified by abundances of other birds in an urban environment
P Skórka, K Sierpowska, A Haidt, Ł Myczko, A Ekner-Grzyb, ZM Rosin, ...
Current zoology 62 (4), 357-368, 2016
Birds respond similarly to taxidermic models and live cuckoos Cuculus canorus
P Tryjanowski, F Morelli, Z Kwieciński, P Indykiewicz, AP Møller
Journal of Ethology 36, 243-249, 2018
Ecology of the field cricket (Gryllidae: Orthoptera) in farmland: the importance of livestock grazing.
M GAWAŁEK, K Dudek, A Ekner-Grzyb, Z KWIECIŃSKI, JH Sliwowska
North-Western Journal of Zoology 10 (2), 2014
Shell colour, temperature, (micro)habitat structure and predator pressure affect the behaviour of Cepaea nemoralis
ZM Rosin, Z Kwieciński, A Lesicki, P Skórka, J Kobak, A Szymańska, ...
The Science of Nature 105, 1-11, 2018
Prey reduce risk-taking and abundance in the proximity of predators
AP MøLLER, Z Kwiecinski, P Tryjanowski
Current Zoology 63 (6), 591-598, 2017
Effects of local roads and car traffic on the occurrence pattern and foraging behaviour of bats
Ł Myczko, TH Sparks, P Skórka, ZM Rosin, Z Kwieciński, MT Górecki, ...
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 56, 222-228, 2017
Land snails benefit from human alterations in rural landscapes and habitats
ZM Rosin, A Lesicki, Z Kwieciński, P Skórka, P Tryjanowski
Ecosphere 8 (7), e01874, 2017
Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy studies on the reduction of the tongue microstructures in the white stork (Ciconia ciconia, Aves)
H Jackowiak, K Skieresz‐Szewczyk, Z Kwieciński, S Godynicki, ...
Acta Zoologica 96 (4), 436-441, 2015
Diurnal raptor community wintering in an extensively used farmland
L Jankowiak, M Antczak, Z Kwiecinski, P Szymanski, M Tobolka, ...
Ornis Fennica 92 (2), 76–86-76–86, 2015
Digestibility of prey by the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) under experimental conditions
ZM Rosin, Z Kwiecinski
Ornis fennica 88 (1), 40–50-40–50, 2011
Plastic strings as the cause of leg bone degeneration in the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)
Z Kwieciński, H Kwiecińska, P Botko, A Wysocki, L Jerzak, P Tryjanowski
White stork study in Poland: biology, ecology and conservation, 2006
Moult and breeding of captive Northern Hawk Owls Surnia ulula
M Cieślak, Z Kwieciński
Ardea 97 (4), 571-579, 2009
Differences between sexes in digestive efficiency of the white stork Ciconia ciconia under experimental conditions
Z Kwieciński, P Tryjanowski
Folia biologica (Kraków) 57 (3-4), 193-198, 2009
Liczebność i efekty lęgów ptaków szponiastych Falconiformes Kotliny Śremskiej w latach 2001-2002
Z Kwieciński, T Mizera
Not. Orn 47 (4), 230-240, 2006
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