Md Kamrul Hasan
Md Kamrul Hasan
Computer Science Ph.D. Candidate @ University of Rochester
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Integrating multimodal information in large pretrained transformers
W Rahman, MK Hasan, S Lee, A Zadeh, C Mao, LP Morency, E Hoque
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2020
UR-FUNNY: A Multimodal Language Dataset for Understanding Humor
MK Hasan, W Rahman, AAB Zadeh, J Zhong, MI Tanveer, LP Morency, ...
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2019
Climate change and future of agri-food production
L Kumar, N Chhogyel, T Gopalakrishnan, MK Hasan, SL Jayasinghe, ...
Future foods, 49-79, 2022
c-kitpos GATA-4 High Rat Cardiac Stem Cells Foster Adult Cardiomyocyte Survival through IGF-1 Paracrine Signalling
N Kawaguchi, AJ Smith, CD Waring, MK Hasan, S Miyamoto, R Matsuoka, ...
PloS one 5 (12), e14297, 2010
Humor knowledge enriched transformer for understanding multimodal humor
MK Hasan, S Lee, W Rahman, A Zadeh, R Mihalcea, LP Morency, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (14), 12972 …, 2021
Development of smartphone-based student attendance system
MM Islam, MK Hasan, MM Billah, MM Uddin
2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 230-233, 2017
Graduate students’ behavioral intention towards social entrepreneurship: Role of social vision, innovativeness, social proactiveness, and risk taking
B Tu, R Bhowmik, MK Hasan, AA Asheq, MA Rahaman, X Chen
Sustainability 13 (11), 6386, 2021
Design and simulation of DC-DC converters
SA Lopa, S Hossain, MK Hasan, TK Chakraborty
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 3 (01 …, 2016
Epidemiology and risk factors for pneumonia severity and mortality in Bangladeshi children< 5 years of age before 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction
S Saha, M Hasan, L Kim, JL Farrar, B Hossain, M Islam, ASMNU Ahmed, ...
BMC public health 16, 1-12, 2016
Occurrence and origin of water well methane gas in Bangladesh
KM Ahmed, M Hoque, MK Hasan, P Ravenscroft, LR Chowdhury
Journal Geological Society of India 51 (5), 697-708, 1998
Implicit Methods for Numerical Solution of Singular Initial Value Problems.
MH Rahaman, MK Hasan, MA Ali, MS Alam
Applied Mathematics & Nonlinear Sciences 6 (1), 2021
DCT speech enhancement with hard and soft thresholding criteria
MK Hasan, MSA Zilany, MR Khan
Electronics Letters 38 (13), 669-670, 2002
Groundwater quality trends in the Dupi Tila aquifer of Dhaka, Bangladesh: sources of contamination evaluated using modelling and environmental isotopes
WG Burgess, MK Hasan, E Rihani, KM Ahmed, MA Hoque, WG Darling
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 3 (1), 56-76, 2011
Investigation of groundwater salinity and gas problems in southeast Bangladesh
M Hoque, MK Hasan, P Ravenscroft
Groundwater resources and development in Bangladesh–background to the …, 2003
Automated dyadic data recorder (ADDR) framework and analysis of facial cues in deceptive communication
T Sen, MK Hasan, Z Teicher, ME Hoque
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2018
& Asari, VK (2019). A state-of-the-art survey on deep learning theory and architectures
MZ Alom, TM Taha, C Yakopcic, S Westberg, P Sidike, MS Nasrin, ...
Electronics 8 (3), 292, 0
Abdominal tuberculosis–a study of 25 cases
YR Sharma, PK Roy, M Hasan
Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ) 2 (2), 137-41, 2004
Kenaf fibre reinforced polypropylene composites: effect of cyclic immersion on tensile properties
WH Haniffah, SM Sapuan, K Abdan, M Khalid, M Hasan, ME Hoque
International Journal of Polymer Science 2015 (1), 872387, 2015
National-level and state-level prevalence of overweight and obesity among children, adolescents, and adults in the USA, 1990–2021, and forecasts up to 2050
M Ng, X Dai, RM Cogen, M Abdelmasseh, A Abdollahi, A Abdullahi, ...
The lancet 404 (10469), 2278-2298, 2024
Lee’s and Charlton’s method for investigation of thermal conductivity of insulating materials
M Alam, S Rahman, PK Halder, A Raquib, M Hasan
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering 3 (1), 53-60, 2012
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