Emilio Jon Christopher Lobato
Emilio Jon Christopher Lobato
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Examining the relationship between conspiracy theories, paranormal beliefs, and pseudoscience acceptance among a university population
E Lobato, J Mendoza, V Sims, M Chin
Applied Cognitive Psychology 28 (5), 617-625, 2014
Antecedents and consequences of COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs: A systematic review
V van Mulukom, LJ Pummerer, S Alper, H Bai, V Čavojová, J Farias, ...
Social Science & Medicine 301, 114912, 2022
Toward understanding social cues and signals in human–robot interaction: effects of robot gaze and proxemic behavior
SM Fiore, TJ Wiltshire, EJC Lobato, FG Jentsch, WH Huang, B Axelrod
Frontiers in psychology 4, 859, 2013
Factors Predicting Willingness to Share COVID-19 Misinformation
EJC Lobato, M Powell, L Padilla, C Holbrook
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1-8, 2020
Examining how people reason about controversial scientific topics
EJC Lobato, C Zimmerman
Thinking & Reasoning 25 (2), 231-255, 2019
Prospects for direct social perception: a multi-theoretical integration to further the science of social cognition
TJ Wiltshire, EJC Lobato, DS McConnell, SM Fiore
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 1007, 2015
Traumatic Brain Injury in K-12 Students: Where Have All the Children Gone?.
LE Schutz, KO Rivers, E McNamara, JA Schutz, EJ Lobato
International Journal of Special Education 25 (2), 55-71, 2010
Leveraging Social Judgment Theory to Examine the Relationship between Social Cues and Signals in Human-Robot Interactions
TJ Wiltshire, SL Snow, EJC Lobato, SM Fiore
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 58 (1 …, 2014
Effects of robot gaze and proxemic behavior on perceived social presence during a hallway navigation scenario
TJ Wiltshire, EJC Lobato, AV Wedell, W Huang, B Axelrod, SM Fiore
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 57 (1 …, 2013
A Dual-Process Approach to Understanding Human-Robot Interaction
EJC Lobato, TJ Wiltshire, SM Fiore
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 57 (1 …, 2013
Effects of Robotic Social Cues on Interpersonal Attributions and Assessments of Robot Interaction Behaviors
TJ Wiltshire, EJC Lobato, DR Garcia, SM Fiore, FG Jentsch, WH Huang, ...
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 59 (1 …, 2015
The psychology of (pseudo) science: Cognitive, social, and cultural factors
EJC Lobato, C Zimmerman
Pseudoscience: The Conspiracy Against Science, 21-43, 2018
An interdisciplinary taxonomy of social cues and signals in the service of engineering robotic social intelligence
TJ Wiltshire, EJ Lobato, J Velez, F Jentsch, SM Fiore
Unmanned Systems Technology XVI 9084, 124-138, 2014
Values disclosures and trust in science: A replication study
DJ Hicks, EJC Lobato
Frontiers in Communication 7, 1017362, 2022
Varying Social Cue Constellations Results in Different Attributed Social Signals in a Simulated Surveillance Task.
EJC Lobato, SF Warta, TJ Wiltshire, SM Fiore
FLAIRS Conference, 61-66, 2015
Religiosity Predicts Evidentiary Standards
EJC Lobato, S Tabatabaeian, M Fleming, S Sulzmann, C Holbrook
Social Psychological and Personality Science 11 (4), 546-551, 2020
No Time, No Problem Mental State Attributions Made Quickly or After Reflection Do Not Differ
EJC Lobato, TJ Wiltshire, S Hudak, SM Fiore
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 58 (1 …, 2014
Will (dis)embodied LIDA agents be socially interactive? A commentary on Franklin et al.'s (2013) Conceptual Commitments of the LIDA Model of Cognition
T Wiltshire, E Lobato, F Jentsch, S Fiore
Journal of Artificial General Intelligence 4 (2), 42-47, 2013
Wild architecture: Explaining cognition via self-sustaining systems
VT Cialdella, EJC Lobato, JS Jordan
Natural Language Processing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2020
Pseudoscience: The conspiracy against science
DK Hecht, E Lobato, C Zimmerman, F Blanco, H Matute, DK Simonton, ...
AB Kaufman & JC Kaufman (Eds.), 3-20, 2018
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