Shaun McFadden
Shaun McFadden
Senior Lecturer, University of Ulster
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Chapter 9: Transportation and Energy
RA Simmons, S McFadden, D Kennedy, M Johnson
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis, 215-254, 2014
Chapter 7: Wind Turbine gearbox design with drivetrain dynamic analysis
S McFadden, B Basu
Offshore Wind Farms: Technologies, Design and Operation 92, 137-158, 2016
A phase-field simulation of austenite to ferrite transformation kinetics in low carbon steels
CJ Huang, DJ Browne, S McFadden
Acta materialia 54 (1), 11-21, 2006
A front-tracking model to predict solidification macrostructures and columnar to equiaxed transitions in alloy castings
S McFadden, DJ Browne
Applied Mathematical Modelling 33 (3), 1397-1416, 2009
A comparison of columnar-to-equiaxed transition prediction methods using simulation of the growing columnar front
S Mcfadden, DJ Browne, CA Gandin
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 40, 662-672, 2009
An experimental–numerical method for estimating heat transfer in a Bridgman furnace
RP Mooney, S McFadden, Z Gabalcová, J Lapin
Applied Thermal Engineering 67 (1-2), 61-71, 2014
Designing crash-survivable unmanned vehicles
J Bares, S McFadden, T Stentz, C Richards, S Murray
AUVSI Symposium, 1-15, 2002
Natural convection and columnar-to-equiaxed transition prediction in a front-tracking model of alloy solidification
J Banaszek, S McFadden, DJ Browne, L Sturz, G Zimmermann
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38, 1476-1484, 2007
Meso-scale simulation of grain nucleation, growth and interaction in castings
S Mc Fadden, DJ Browne
Scripta Materialia 55 (10), 847-850, 2006
Reuse of grade 23 Ti6Al4V powder during the laser-based powder bed fusion process
R Harkin, H Wu, S Nikam, J Quinn, S McFadden
Metals 10 (12), 1700, 2020
On the application of Vickers micro hardness testing to isotactic polypropylene
H Wu, F Dave, M Mokhtari, MM Ali, R Sherlock, A McIlhagger, D Tormey, ...
Polymers 14 (9), 1804, 2022
Columnar and equiaxed solidification of Al-7 wt.% Si alloys in reduced gravity in the framework of the CETSOL project
G Zimmermann, L Sturz, H Nguyen-Thi, N Mangelinck-Noël, YZ Li, ...
Jom 69, 1269-1279, 2017
A front tracking model for transient solidification of Al–7wt% Si in a Bridgman furnace
RP Mooney, S McFadden, M Rebow, DJ Browne
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 65, 527-530, 2012
Powder reuse in laser-based powder bed fusion of Ti6Al4V—changes in mechanical properties during a powder top-up regime
R Harkin, H Wu, S Nikam, S Yin, R Lupoi, W McKay, P Walls, J Quinn, ...
Materials 15 (6), 2238, 2022
A generalised version of an Ivantsov-based dendrite growth model incorporating a facility for solute measurement ahead of the tip
S McFadden, DJ Browne
Computational Materials Science 55, 245-254, 2012
Analysis of an Equiaxed Dendrite Growth Model with Comparisons to In-Situ Results of Equiaxed Dendritic Growth in an Al-Ge Alloy
S McFadden, PL Schaffer, RH Mathiesen, DJ Browne
Materials Science Forum 654, 1359-1362, 2010
A simplified thermal approximation method to include the effects of Marangoni convection in the melt pools of processes that involve moving point heat sources
SH Nikam, J Quinn, S McFadden
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 79 (7), 537-552, 2021
Friction Stir Welding of AA2024-T3 plate–the influence of different pin types
D Trimble, H Mitrogiannopoulos, GE O'Donnell, S McFadden
Mechanical Sciences 6 (1), 51-55, 2015
Non-steady 3D dendrite tip growth under diffusive and weakly convective conditions
WU Mirihanage, KV Falch, D Casari, S McFadden, DJ Browne, I Snigireva, ...
Materialia 5, 100215, 2019
Influence of natural and forced gravity conditions during directional columnar solidification
S Battaglioli, AJ Robinson, S Mcfadden
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126, 66-80, 2018
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