Normative images of communication media mass and interpersonal channels in the new media environment: Mass and interpersonal channels in the new media environment EM Perse, JA Courtright Human communication research 19 (4), 485-503, 1993 | 416 | 1993 |
Interaction patterns in organic and mechanistic system JA Courtright, GT Fairhurst, LE Rogers Academy of management journal 32 (4), 773-802, 1989 | 384 | 1989 |
Three language variables in communication research: Intensity, immediacy, and diversity JJ Bradac, JW Bowers, JA Courtright Human Communication Research 5 (3), 257-269, 1979 | 315 | 1979 |
Domineeringness and dominance: Replication and expansion JA Courtright, FE Millar, LE Rogers‐Millar Communications Monographs 46 (3), 179-192, 1979 | 233 | 1979 |
Communication research methods JW Bowers, JA Courtright (No Title), 1984 | 206 | 1984 |
A laboratory investigation of groupthink JA Courtright Communications Monographs 45 (3), 229-246, 1978 | 204 | 1978 |
The acquisition of sexual information by young people JA Courtright, SJ Baran Journalism Quarterly 57 (1), 107-114, 1980 | 112 | 1980 |
Imitative modeling as a theoretical base for instructing language-disordered children JA Courtright, IC Courtright Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 19 (4), 655-663, 1976 | 101 | 1976 |
Inertial forces and the implementation of a socio-technical systems approach: A communication study GT Fairhurst, S Green, J Courtright Organization Science 6 (2), 168-185, 1995 | 97 | 1995 |
Lexical variations in intensity, immediacy, and diversity: An axiomatic theory and causal model JJ Badrac The social and psychological contexts of language, 1980 | 87 | 1980 |
Imitative modeling as a language intervention strategy: The effects of two mediating variables JA Courtright, IC Courtright Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 22 (2), 389-402, 1979 | 76 | 1979 |
Relational control and dyadic understanding: An exploratory predictive regression model FE Millar, LE Rogers-Millar, JA Courtright Annals of the International Communication Association 3 (1), 213-224, 1979 | 68 | 1979 |
Television drama as a facilitator of prosocial behavior:“The Waltons” SJ Baran, LJ Chase, JA Courtright Journal of Broadcasting 23 (3), 277-284, 1979 | 62 | 1979 |
The perception of nonverbal vocal cues of emotional meaning by language-disordered and normal children JA Courtright, IC Courtright Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 26 (3), 412-417, 1983 | 54 | 1983 |
Television literacy: Amplifying the cognitive level effects of television's prosocial fare through curriculum intervention. R Abelman, JA Courtright Journal of Research & Development in Education, 1983 | 49 | 1983 |
Message control intensity: Rationale and preliminary findings LE Rogers, JA Courtright, FE Millar Communications Monographs 47 (3), 201-219, 1980 | 49 | 1980 |
The effects of perceived status and linguistic diversity upon judgments of speaker attributes and message effectiveness JJ Bradac, JA Courtright, G Schmidt, RA Davies The Journal of Psychology 93 (2), 213-220, 1976 | 49 | 1976 |
Interaction dynamics of relational negotiation: Reconciliation versus termination of distressed relationships JA Courtright, FE Millar, LE Rogers, D Bagarozzi Western Journal of Speech Communication 54 (4), 429-453, 1990 | 46 | 1990 |
Rhetoric of the gun: An analysis of the rhetorical modifications of the Black Panther Party JA Courtright Journal of Black Studies 4 (3), 249-267, 1974 | 46 | 1974 |
Standpoint: Rationally thinking about nonprobability JA Courtright Taylor & Francis Group 40 (3), 414-421, 1996 | 40 | 1996 |