Nicholas Burns
Nicholas Burns
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Emotional intelligence predicts life skills, but not as well as personality and cognitive abilities
VA Bastian, NR Burns, T Nettelbeck
Personality and individual differences 39 (6), 1135-1145, 2005
Development of the valuing questionnaire (VQ)
M Smout, M Davies, N Burns, A Christie
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 3 (3), 164-172, 2014
Dose-related effects of alcohol on cognitive functioning
MJ Dry, NR Burns, T Nettelbeck, AL Farquharson, JM White
PloS one 7 (11), e50977, 2012
Processing speed, working memory and reasoning ability from childhood to old age
T Nettelbeck, NR Burns
Personality and Individual Differences 48 (4), 379-384, 2010
Screening for depression and anxiety in spinal cord injury with DASS-21
MC Mitchell, NR Burns, DS Dorstyn
Spinal Cord 46 (8), 547-551, 2008
The cognitive reflection test: How much more than numerical ability?
M Welsh, N Burns, P Delfabbro
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science society 35 (35), 2013
Assessing the validity of computer-game-like tests of processing speed and working memory
J McPherson, NR Burns
Behavior research methods 40, 969-981, 2008
Reduced corticomotor excitability and motor skills development in children born preterm
JB Pitcher, LA Schneider, NR Burns, JL Drysdale, RD Higgins, ...
The journal of physiology 590 (22), 5827-5844, 2012
Inspection time in the structure of cognitive abilities: Where does IT fit?
NR Burns, T Nettelbeck
Intelligence 31 (3), 237-255, 2003
Temperament and lateralization in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)
LA Schneider, PH Delfabbro, NR Burns
Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 8 (3 …, 2013
The older people, omega-3, and cognitive health (EPOCH) trial design and methodology: A randomised, double-blind, controlled trial investigating the effect of long-chain omega …
V Danthiir, NR Burns, T Nettelbeck, C Wilson, G Wittert
Nutrition Journal 10 (117), 2011
Ginkgo biloba: no robust effect on cognitive abilities or mood in healthy young or older adults
NR Burns, J Bryan, T Nettelbeck
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 21 (1), 27-37, 2006
Confidence—More a personality or ability trait? It depends on how it is measured: A comparison of young and older adults
KM Burns, NR Burns, L Ward
Frontiers in psychology 7, 518, 2016
Inspection time and general speed of processing
TA O’Connor, NR Burns
Personality and individual differences 35 (3), 713-724, 2003
Inspection time and speed of processing: Sex differences on perceptual speed but not IT
NR Burns, T Nettelbeck
Personality and Individual Differences 39 (2), 439-446, 2005
Dropout during a driving simulator study: A survival analysis
NA Matas, T Nettelbeck, NR Burns
Journal of safety research 55, 159-169, 2015
Testosterone and cognitive function in ageing men: data from the Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study (FAMAS)
DM Martin, G Wittert, NR Burns, MT Haren, R Sugarman
Maturitas 57 (2), 182-194, 2007
Attention and intelligence: A factor analytic study
NR Burns, T Nettelbeck, J McPherson
Journal of individual differences 30 (1), 44-57, 2009
Postnatal depression mediates the relationship between infant and maternal sleep disruption and family dysfunction
AM Piteo, RM Roberts, T Nettelbeck, N Burns, K Lushington, AJ Martin, ...
Early human development 89 (2), 69-74, 2013
Individual differences in anchoring: Traits and experience
MB Welsh, PH Delfabbro, NR Burns, SH Begg
Learning and Individual Differences 29, 131-140, 2014
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