Georg von Arx
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Studying global change through investigation of the plastic responses of xylem anatomy in tree rings
P Fonti, G von Arx, I García‐González, B Eilmann, U Sass‐Klaassen, ...
New Phytologist 185 (1), 42-53, 2010
Microclimate in forests with varying leaf area index and soil moisture: potential implications for seedling establishment in a changing climate
G von Arx, E Graf Pannatier, A Thimonier, M Rebetez
Journal of Ecology 101 (5), 1201-1213, 2013
Spatio-temporal effects of forest canopy on understory microclimate in a long-term experiment in Switzerland
G Von Arx, M Dobbertin, M Rebetez
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 166, 144-155, 2012
ROXAS – a new tool to build centuries-long tracheid-lumen chronologies in conifers
G von Arx, M Carrer
Dendrochronologia 32 (4), 290-293, 2014
Quantitative wood anatomy—practical guidelines
G von Arx, A Crivellaro, AL Prendin, K Cufar, M Carrer
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 781, 2016
Cell size and wall dimensions drive distinct variability of earlywood and latewood density in Northern Hemisphere conifers
J Björklund, K Seftigen, F Schweingruber, P Fonti, G von Arx, ...
New Phytologist 216 (3), 728-740, 2017
Distilling allometric and environmental information from time series of conduit size: the standardization issue and its relationship to tree hydraulic architecture
M Carrer, G von Arx, D Castagnieri, G Petit
Tree Physiology 35, 27-33, 2015
Xylem embolism refilling and resilience against drought-induced mortality in woody plants: processes and trade-offs
T Klein, MJB Zeppel, WRL Anderegg, J Bloemen, MG De Kauwe, ...
Ecological research 33, 839-855, 2018
How does climate influence xylem morphogenesis over the growing season? Insights from long-term intra-ring anatomy in Picea abies
D Castagneri, P Fonti, G von Arx, M Carrer
Annals of botany 119 (6), 1011-1020, 2017
From the comfort zone to crown dieback: Sequence of physiological stress thresholds in mature European beech trees across progressive drought
L Walthert, A Ganthaler, S Mayr, M Saurer, P Waldner, M Walser, ...
Science of The Total Environment 753, 141792, 2021
Scientific merits and analytical challenges of tree‐ring densitometry
J Björklund, G von Arx, D Nievergelt, R Wilson, J Van den Bulcke, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 57 (4), 1224-1264, 2019
Long-term functional plasticity in plant hydraulic architecture in response to supplemental moisture
G von Arx, SR Archer, MK Hughes
Annals of botany 109 (6), 1091-1100, 2012
The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests
RL Salomón, RL Peters, R Zweifel, UGW Sass-Klaassen, AI Stegehuis, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 28, 2022
Couplings in cell differentiation kinetics mitigate air temperature influence on conifer wood anatomy
HE Cuny, P Fonti, CBK Rathgeber, G von Arx, RL Peters, DC Frank
Plant, Cell & Environment 42 (4), 1222-1232, 2019
Responses of sapwood ray parenchyma and non‐structural carbohydrates (NSC) of Pinus sylvestris to drought and long‐term irrigation
G von Arx, A Arzac, P Fonti, D Frank, R Zweifel, A Rigling, L Galiano, ...
Functional Ecology, 2017
Wood structural differences between northern and southern beech provenances growing at a moderate site
B Eilmann, F Sterck, L Wegner, SMG de Vries, G von Arx, GMJ Mohren, ...
Tree physiology 34 (8), 882-893, 2014
Quantifying vessel grouping – added value from the image analysis tool ROXAS
G von Arx, C Kueffer, P Fonti
IAWA Journal 34 (4), 433-445, 2013
New star on the stage: amount of ray parenchyma in tree rings shows a link to climate
JM Olano, A Arzac, AI García‐Cervigón, G von Arx, V Rozas
New Phytologist, 2013
A technical perspective in modern tree-ring research-how to overcome dendroecological and wood anatomical challenges
H Gärtner, P Cherubini, P Fonti, G von Arx, L Schneider, D Nievergelt, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 52337, 2015
New research perspectives from a novel approach to quantify tracheid wall thickness
AL Prendin, G Petit, M Carrer, P Fonti, J Björklund, G von Arx
Tree physiology 37 (7), 976-983, 2017
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