Xianyu Huang
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Zitiert von
Changes in the global carbon cycle occurred as two episodes during the Permian–Triassic crisis
S Xie, RD Pancost, J Huang, PB Wignall, J Yu, X Tang, L Chen, X Huang, ...
Geology 35 (12), 1083-1086, 2007
Representation of dormant and active microbial dynamics for ecosystem modeling
G Wang, MA Mayes, L Gu, CW Schadt
PloS one 9 (2), e89252, 2014
Concordant monsoon-driven postglacial hydrological changes in peat and stalagmite records and their impacts on prehistoric cultures in central China
S Xie, RP Evershed, X Huang, Z Zhu, RD Pancost, PA Meyers, L Gong, ...
Geology 41 (8), 827-830, 2013
Response of carbon cycle to drier conditions in the mid-Holocene in central China
X Huang, RD Pancost, J Xue, Y Gu, RP Evershed, S Xie
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1369, 2018
Paleotemperature variability in central China during the last 13 ka recorded by a novel microbial lipid proxy in the Dajiuhu peat deposit
X Huang, PA Meyers, C Jia, M Zheng, J Xue, X Wang, S Xie
The Holocene 23 (8), 1123-1129, 2013
A 13,000-year peatland palaeohydrological response to the ENSO-related Asian monsoon precipitation changes in the middle Yangtze Valley
H Liu, Y Gu, X Huang, Z Yu, S Xie, S Cheng
Quaternary Science Reviews 212, 80-91, 2019
Ecology of testate amoebae in peatlands of central China and development of a transfer function for paleohydrological reconstruction
Y Qin, EAD Mitchell, M Lamentowicz, RJ Payne, E Lara, Y Gu, X Huang, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 50, 319-330, 2013
Molecular and isotopic evidence for episodic environmental change across the Permo/Triassic boundary at Meishan in South China
S Xie, RD Pancost, X Huang, D Jiao, L Lu, J Huang, F Yang, RP Evershed
Global and Planetary Change 55 (1-3), 56-65, 2007
Paleoclimate influence on early diagenesis of plant triterpenes in the Dajiuhu peatland, central China
X Huang, J Xue, X Wang, PA Meyers, J Huang, S Xie
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 123, 106-119, 2013
Distribution of aliphatic des-A-triterpenoids in the Dajiuhu peat deposit, southern China
X Huang, S Xie, CL Zhang, D Jiao, J Huang, J Yu, F Jin, Y Gu
Organic Geochemistry 39 (12), 1765-1771, 2008
Comparison of free lipid compositions between roots and leaves of plants in the Dajiuhu Peatland, central China
X Huang, C Wang, J Zhang, GLB Wiesenberg, Z Zhang, S Xie
Geochemical Journal 45 (5), 365-373, 2011
Comparison of n-alkane molecular, carbon and hydrogen isotope compositions of different types of plants in the Dajiuhu peatland, central China
B Zhao, Y Zhang, X Huang, R Qiu, Z Zhang, PA Meyers
Organic geochemistry 124, 1-11, 2018
Significance of long chain iso and anteiso monomethyl alkanes in the Lamiaceae (mint family)
X Huang, PA Meyers, W Wu, C Jia, S Xie
Organic Geochemistry 42 (2), 156-165, 2011
Occurrence of diploptene in moss species from the Dajiuhu Peatland in southern China
X Huang, C Wang, J Xue, PA Meyers, Z Zhang, K Tan, Z Zhang, S Xie
Organic Geochemistry 41 (3), 321-324, 2010
The role of organo-clay associations in limiting organic matter decay: Insights from the Dajiuhu peat soil, central China
S Chen, H Hong, X Huang, Q Fang, K Yin, C Wang, Y Zhang, L Cheng, ...
Geoderma 320, 149-160, 2018
Effect of different wetness conditions on Sphagnum lipid composition in the Erxianyan peatland, central China
X Huang, J Xue, J Zhang, Y Qin, PA Meyers, H Wang
Organic geochemistry 44, 1-7, 2012
Environmental factors affecting the low temperature isomerization of homohopanes in acidic peat deposits, central China
X Huang, PA Meyers, J Xue, L Gong, X Wang, S Xie
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 154, 212-228, 2015
Paleoclimate significance of n-alkane molecular distributions and δ2H values in surface peats across the monsoon region of China
X Huang, PA Meyers, J Xue, Y Zhang, X Wang
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461, 77-86, 2016
Microtopography-mediated hydrologic environment controls elemental migration and mineral weathering in subalpine surface soils of subtropical monsoonal China
Q Fang, H Hong, TJ Algeo, X Huang, A Sun, GJ Churchman, J Chorover, ...
Geoderma 344, 82-98, 2019
Variations in wetland hydrology drive rapid changes in the microbial community, carbon metabolic activity, and greenhouse gas fluxes
Y Zhang, BDA Naafs, X Huang, Q Song, J Xue, R Wang, M Zhao, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 317, 269-285, 2022
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