Jeel Moya-Salazar
Jeel Moya-Salazar
Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
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Tendencias en la investigación del virus de papiloma humano en Latinoamérica frente a los países de altos ingresos
JJ Moya-Salazar, VA Rojas-Zumaran
Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 68 (3), 202-217, 2017
Seroprevalencia de marcadores infecciosos causantes de pérdidas de hemodonaciones en el Servicio de Banco de Sangre del Hospital Nacional Docente Madre Niño San Bartolomé de …
J Moya, E Julcamanyan
Horizonte Médico (Lima) 14 (4), 6-14, 2014
Oral health problems in high-performance athletes at 2019 Pan American Games in Lima: A descriptive study
C Opazo-García, J Moya-Salazar, K Chicoma-Flores, ...
BDJ open 7 (1), 21, 2021
CD133 in breast cancer cells and in breast cancer stem cells as another target for immunotherapy
L Tume, K Paco, R Ubidia-Incio, J Moya
Gaceta Mexicana de Oncología 15 (1), 22-30, 2016
Calidad de los extendidos cervicouterinos dentro de la coloración de Papanicolaou para el cribado de cáncer cervical en Lima, Perú
J Moya-Salazar, V Rojas-Zumaran, R Torres-Martínez, L Rosas-Vargas
Revista Española de Patología 49 (1), 7-18, 2016
Tolerance to disinfectants (chlorhexidine and isopropanol) and its association with antibiotic resistance in clinically-related Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates
J Morante, AM Quispe, B Ymaña, J Moya-Salazar, N Luque, G Soza, ...
Pathogens and Global Health 115 (1), 53-60, 2021
The age of young nurses is a predictor of burnout syndrome during the care of patients with COVID-19
J Moya-Salazar, LA Buitrón, EA Goicochea, CR Salazar, B Moya-Salazar, ...
Nursing Reports 13 (2), 721-730, 2023
Physical activity and body image perceived by university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review
EA Goicochea, B Coloma-Naldos, J Moya-Salazar, V Rojas-Zumaran, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (24), 16498, 2022
Trastornos lipídicos en pacientes hispanoamericanos en el primer nivel de atención sanitaria de Lima, Perú
J Moya-Salazar, L Pio-Dávila
Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 46, e1161, 2020
Eco-Pap: the ecological modification of the Papanicolaou stain for sustainable cervical cancer diagnosis
J Moya-Salazar, V Rojas-Zumaran
Acta cytologica 63 (1), 35-43, 2019
Comparative study for identification of Candida albicans with germ tube test in human serum and plasma
J Moya-Salazar, R Rojas
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 3 (3), 1-4, 2018
Depression in healthcare workers from the COVID-19 Care and Isolation Center-Villa Panamericana: a single-center prospective study in Peru
J Moya-Salazar, W Saciga-Saavedra, B Cañari, H Contreras-Pulache
Einstein (São Paulo) 20, eAO6707, 2022
Spread of ST348 Klebsiella pneumoniae Producing NDM-1 in a Peruvian Hospital
MJ Pons, M Marí-Almirall, B Ymaña, J Moya-Salazar, L Muñoz, S Sauñe, ...
Microorganisms 8 (9), 1392, 2020
How much fear of COVID-19 is there in Latin America? A prospective exploratory study in six countries
J Moya-Salazar, B Cañari, H Contreras-Pulache
Modestum LTD, 2021
Scientific research and innovation response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru
J Moya-Salazar, L Gomez-Saenz, B Cañari, H Contreras-Pulache
F1000research 10, 399, 2021
Environmental Performance of xylene, hydrochloric acid and ammonia solution during Pap stain for diagnosing cervical cancer
JJ Moya-Salazar, VA Rojas-Zumaran
Journal of Health and Pollution 6 (11), 58-65, 2016
Evaluation of inter-batch variability in the establishing and quality control of glucose
J Moya-Salazar, L Pio-Davila
Medicina universitaria 18 (71), 85-90, 2016
Assessing empathy in healthcare services: a systematic review of South American healthcare workers’ and patients’ perceptions
J Moya-Salazar, EA Goicochea-Palomino, J Porras-Guillermo, B Cañari, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 14, 1249620, 2023
Substance use in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America: a systematic review and a call for reports
J Moya-Salazar, E Nuñez, A Jaime-Quispe, N Zuñiga, IL Loaiza-Barboza, ...
Substance abuse: research and treatment 16, 11782218221085592, 2022
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Associated With the Level of Poverty of the Andean Rural Population: A Five-Year Single-Center Study. Electron J Gen Med. 2021; 18 (6): em335
J Moya-Salazar, IA Pasco, B Cañari, H Contreras-Pulache
Electronic Journal of General Medicine 18, 6, 2021
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