Xiaoli Deng
Xiaoli Deng
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Retracking altimeter waveforms near the coasts: A review of retracking methods and some applications to coastal waveforms
C Gommenginger, P Thibaut, L Fenoglio-Marc, G Quartly, X Deng, ...
Coastal altimetry, 61-101, 2011
A coastal retracking system for satellite radar altimeter waveforms: Application to ERS‐2 around Australia
X Deng, WE Featherstone
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 111 (C6), 2006
Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress
S Abdalla, AA Kolahchi, M Ablain, S Adusumilli, SA Bhowmick, ...
Advances in Space Research 68 (2), 319-363, 2021
Coastal gravity anomalies from retracked Geosat/GM altimetry: improvement, limitation and the role of airborne gravity data
C Hwang, J Guo, X Deng, HY Hsu, Y Liu
Journal of Geodesy 80, 204-216, 2006
Estimation of contamination of ERS-2 and POSEIDON satellite radar altimetry close to the coasts of Australia
X Deng, WE Featherstone, C Hwang, PAM Berry
Marine Geodesy 25 (4), 249-271, 2002
Climate impact risks and climate adaptation engineering for built infrastructure
MG Stewart, X Deng
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A …, 2015
Improved inland water levels from SAR altimetry using novel empirical and physical retrackers
H Villadsen, X Deng, OB Andersen, L Stenseng, K Nielsen, P Knudsen
Journal of hydrology 537, 234-247, 2016
Validation of Jason-2 altimeter data by waveform retracking over California coastal ocean
H Lee, CK Shum, W Emery, S Calmant, X Deng, CY Kuo, C Roesler, Y Yi
Marine Geodesy 33 (S1), 304-316, 2010
Improvement of geodetic parameter estimation in coastal regions from satellite radar altimetry
X Deng
Curtin University of Technology, 2003
The retracking technique on multi-peak and quasi-specular waveforms for Jason-1 and Jason-2 missions near the coast
NH Idris, X Deng
Marine Geodesy 35 (sup1), 217-237, 2012
Satellite altimetry for geodetic, oceanographic, and climate studies in the Australian region
X Deng, DA Griffin, K Ridgway, JA Church, WE Featherstone, NJ White, ...
Coastal altimetry, 473-508, 2010
A new retracking technique for Brown peaky altimetric waveforms
F Peng, X Deng
Marine Geodesy 41 (2), 99-125, 2018
Validation of Sentinel-3A SAR mode sea level anomalies around the Australian coastal region
F Peng, X Deng
Remote Sensing of Environment 237, 111548, 2020
Assessment of the accuracy of recent empirical and assimilated tidal models for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, using satellite and coastal data
F Seifi, X Deng, O Baltazar Andersen
Remote Sensing 11 (10), 1211, 2019
The importance of coastal altimetry retracking and detiding: a case study around the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
NH Idris, X Deng, OB Andersen
International Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (5), 1729-1740, 2014
CAWRES: A waveform retracking fuzzy expert system for optimizing coastal sea levels from Jason-1 and Jason-2 satellite altimetry data
NH Idris, X Deng, AH Md Din, NH Idris
Remote Sensing 9 (6), 603, 2017
Marine gravity anomaly from satellite altimetry: A comparison of methods over shallow waters
C Hwang, HY Hsu, X Deng
Satellite Altimetry for Geodesy, Geophysics and Oceanography: Proceedings of …, 2004
Improving precision of high-rate altimeter sea level anomalies by removing the sea state bias and intra-1-Hz covariant error
F Peng, X Deng
Remote Sensing of Environment 251, 112081, 2020
Description and assessment of regional sea-level trends and variability from altimetry and tide gauges at the northern Australian coast
Z Gharineiat, X Deng
Advances in Space Research 61 (10), 2540-2554, 2018
Seasonal and interannual variations of the Leeuwin Current off Western Australia from TOPEX/Poseidon satellite altimetry
X Deng, C Hwang, R Coleman, WE Featherstone
University of Tasmania, 2008
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