Karl Girard-Lalancette
Karl Girard-Lalancette
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Haemolytic activity, cytotoxicity and membrane cell permeabilization of semi-synthetic and natural lupane-and oleanane-type saponins
C Gauthier, J Legault, K Girard-Lalancette, V Mshvildadze, A Pichette
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 17 (5), 2002-2008, 2009
Quantification of phenolic contents and antioxidant capacity of Atlantic sea cucumber, Cucumaria frondosa
J Mamelona, E Pelletier, K Girard-Lalancette, J Legault, S Karboune, ...
Food Chemistry 104 (3), 1040-1047, 2007
Sensitive cell-based assay using DCFH oxidation for the determination of pro-and antioxidant properties of compounds and mixtures: Analysis of fruit and vegetable juices
K Girard-Lalancette, A Pichette, J Legault
Food Chemistry 115 (2), 720-726, 2009
Antioxidant activity, inhibition of nitric oxide overproduction, and in vitro antiproliferative effect of maple sap and syrup from Acer saccharum
J Legault, K Girard-Lalancette, C Grenon, C Dussault, A Pichette
Journal of medicinal food 13 (2), 460-468, 2010
Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities of the halophyte Limonium densiflorum extracts on human cell lines and murine macrophages
RK Faten Medini, Soumaya Bourgou, Karl Girard-Lalancette, Mejdi Snoussi ...
South African Journal of Botany 99, 158-164, 2015
Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Quercetin 7-O-β-D-Glucopyranoside from the Leaves of Brasenia schreberi
J Legault, T Perron, V Mshvildadze, K Girard-Lalancette, S Perron, ...
Journal of medicinal food 14 (10), 1127-1134, 2011
Antioxidant potential of bark extracts from boreal forest conifers
J Legault, K Girard-Lalancette, D Dufour, A Pichette
Antioxidants 2 (3), 77-89, 2013
Antioxidants in digestive tracts and gonads of green urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)
J Mamelona, É Pelletier, K Girard-Lalancette, J Legault, S Karboune, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (2), 179-183, 2011
A new flavonol glycoside from the medicinal halophyte Suaeda fruticosa
S Oueslati, R Ksouri, A Pichette, S Lavoie, K Girard-Lalancette, ...
Natural product research 28 (13), 960-966, 2014
Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, anticancer and anti-inflammatory activities of Lycium europaeum fruits
H Mejri, I Ouerghemi, W Aidi Wannes, FM Haddada, N Tlili, M Hammami, ...
International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 1-10, 2022
Bio-Guided Fractionation of Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb & Berthel Polar Extracts
M Saada, H Wasli, I Jallali, R Kboubi, K Girard-Lalancette, V Mshvildadze, ...
Molecules 26 (19), 5800, 2021
Évaluation du potentiel antioxydant de la biomasse forestière et marine
K Girard-Lalancette
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2009
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