Joël Meunier
Joël Meunier
Research Institut on Insect Biology (IRBI), CNRS / University of Tours, FRANCE
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Social immunity and the evolution of group living in insects
J Meunier
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
The evolution of parental care in insects: the roles of ecology, life history and the social environment
JWY Wong, J Meunier, M Kölliker
Ecological Entomology 38 (2), 123-137, 2013
Maternal care provides antifungal protection to eggs in the European earwig
S Boos, J Meunier, S Pichon, M Kölliker
Behavioral Ecology 25 (4), 754-761, 2014
One clutch or two clutches? Fitness correlates of coexisting alternative female life-histories in the European earwig
J Meunier, JWY Wong, Y Gómez, S Kuttler, L Röllin, D Stucki, M Kölliker
Evolutionary Ecology 26 (3), 669-682, 2012
Split sex ratios in the social Hymenoptera: a meta-analysis
J Meunier, SA West, M Chapuisat
Behavioral Ecology 19 (2), 382-390, 2008
Kin and multilevel selection in social evolution: a never-ending controversy?
J Kramer, J Meunier
F1000 Research 5, 776, 2016
Competitive ability not kinship affects growth of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions
F Masclaux, RL Hammond, J Meunier, C Gouhier‐Darimont, L Keller, ...
New Phytologist 185 (1), 322-331, 2010
Eumelanin-based coloration and fitness parameters in birds: a meta-analysis
J Meunier, S Figueiredo Pinto, R Burri, A Roulin
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65, 559-567, 2011
Mother and offspring fitness in an insect with maternal care: phenotypic trade-offs between egg number, egg mass and egg care
LK Koch, J Meunier
BMC evolutionary biology 14, 1-9, 2014
Sibling cooperation in earwig families provides insights into the early evolution of social life
J Falk, JWY Wong, M Kölliker, J Meunier
The American Naturalist 183 (4), 547-557, 2014
The other facets of family life and their role in the evolution of animal sociality
J Kramer, J Meunier
Biological Reviews 94 (1), 199-215, 2019
Parental antagonism and parent–offspring co-adaptation interact to shape family life
J Meunier, M Kölliker
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1744), 3981-3988, 2012
Negative association between parental care and sibling cooperation in earwigs: a new perspective on the early evolution of family life?
J Kramer, J Thesing, J Meunier
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (7), 1299-1308, 2015
When it is costly to have a caring mother: food limitation erases the benefits of parental care in earwigs
J Meunier, M Kölliker
Biology Letters 8 (4), 547-550, 2012
Parent–offspring conflict and the genetic trade-offs shaping parental investment
M Kölliker, S Boos, JWY Wong, L Röllin, D Stucki, S Raveh, M Wu, ...
Nature Communications 6, 6850, 2015
Short-term benefits, but transgenerational costs of maternal loss in an insect with facultative maternal care
J Thesing, J Kramer, LK Koch, J Meunier
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1817), 20151617, 2015
The determinants of queen size in a socially polymorphic ant
J Meunier, M Chapuisat
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (9), 1906-1913, 2009
Inbreeding depression in an insect with maternal care: influences of family interactions, life stage and offspring sex
J Meunier, M Kölliker
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (10), 2209-2220, 2013
Collective personalities: present knowledge and new frontiers
CM Wright, JLL Lichtenstein, GN Doering, J Pretorius, J Meunier, JN Pruitt
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73, 31, 2019
Multiple paternity and mating group size in the European earwig, Forficula auricularia
L Sandrin, J Meunier, S Raveh, JC Walser, M Kölliker
Ecological Entomology 40 (2), 159-166, 2015
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