Professor Franco Teixeira de Mello
Professor Franco Teixeira de Mello
Dpto. Ecología y Gestión Ambiental-CURE-UdelaR
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Impacts of climate warming on lake fish community structure and potential effects on ecosystem function
E Jeppesen, M Meerhoff, K Holmgren, I González-Bergonzoni, ...
Hydrobiologia 646, 73-90, 2010
Effects of habitat complexity on community structure and predator avoidance behaviour of littoral zooplankton in temperate versus subtropical shallow lakes
M Meerhoff, C Iglesias, FT De Mello, JM Clemente, E Jensen, ...
Freshwater Biology 52 (6), 1009-1021, 2007
Can warm climate‐related structure of littoral predator assemblies weaken the clear water state in shallow lakes?
M Meerhoff, JM Clemente, FT de MELLO, C Iglesias, AR Pedersen, ...
Global Change Biology 13 (9), 1888-1897, 2007
Environmental warming in shallow lakes: a review of potential changes in community structure as evidenced from space-for-time substitution approaches
M Meerhoff, F Teixeira-de Mello, C Kruk, C Alonso, ...
Advances in ecological research 46, 259-349, 2012
Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones
SD Tiegs, DM Costello, MW Isken, G Woodward, PB McIntyre, ...
Science Advances 5 (1), eaav0486, 2019
Substantial differences in littoral fish community structure and dynamics in subtropical and temperate shallow lakes
F Teixeira‐De Mello, M Meerhoff, Z Pekcan‐Hekim, E Jeppesen
Freshwater Biology 54 (6), 1202-1215, 2009
Meta-analysis shows a consistent and strong latitudinal pattern in fish omnivory across ecosystems
I González-Bergonzoni, M Meerhoff, TA Davidson, F Teixeira-de Mello, ...
Ecosystems 15, 492-503, 2012
Plastics and microplastics on recreational beaches in Punta del Este (Uruguay): unseen critical residents?
JP Lozoya, FT De Mello, D Carrizo, F Weinstein, Y Olivera, F Cedrés, ...
Environmental Pollution 218, 931-941, 2016
Salinity shapes zooplankton communities and functional diversity and has complex effects on size structure in lakes
MF Gutierrez, ÜN Tavşanoğlu, N Vidal, J Yu, F Teixeira-de Mello, ...
Hydrobiologia 813, 237-255, 2018
A global assessment of the effects of eucalyptus plantations on stream ecosystem functioning
V Ferreira, L Boyero, C Calvo, F Correa, R Figueroa, JF Gonçalves, ...
Ecosystems 22, 629-642, 2019
Field and experimental evidence of the effect of Jenynsia multidentata, a small omnivorous–planktivorous fish, on the size distribution of zooplankton in subtropical …
C Iglesias, N Mazzeo, G Goyenola, C Fosalba, F Teixeira de Mello, ...
Freshwater Biology 53 (9), 1797-1807, 2008
Peces de agua dulce del Uruguay
F Teixeira de Mello, I González-Bergonzoni, M Loureiro
Uruguay: PPR-MGAP, 2011
Ontogenetic allometric coefficient changes: implications of diet shift and morphometric traits in Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch)(Characiforme, Erythrinidae)
F Teixeirade Mello, C Iglesias, AI Borthagaray, N Mazzeo, J Vilches, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 69 (6), 1770-1778, 2006
Submerged macrophytes facilitate dominance of omnivorous fish in a subtropical shallow lake: implications for lake restoration
J Yu, Z Liu, H He, W Zhen, B Guan, F Chen, K Li, P Zhong, ...
Hydrobiologia 775, 97-107, 2016
Phytoplankton community structure in five subtropical shallow lakes with different trophic status (Uruguay): a morphology-based approach
JP Pacheco, C Iglesias, M Meerhoff, C Fosalba, G Goyenola, ...
Hydrobiologia 646 (1), 187-197, 2010
Recent advances and open questions around pesticide dynamics and effects on freshwater fishes
A Pérez-Parada, G Goyenola, FT de Mello, H Heinzen
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 4, 38-44, 2018
Peces del río Negro
S Serra
Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca, Dirección Nacional de Recursos …, 2014
Plastic ingestion by a generalist seabird on the coast of Uruguay
J Lenzi, MF Burgues, D Carrizo, E Machín, F Teixeira-de Mello
Marine pollution bulletin 107 (1), 71-76, 2016
Human pressure drives biodiversity–multifunctionality relationships in large Neotropical wetlands
DA Moi, FM Lansac-Tôha, GQ Romero, T Sobral-Souza, BJ Cardinale, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 6 (9), 1279-1289, 2022
A pilot study about microplastics and mesoplastics in an Antarctic glacier
M González-Pleiter, G Lacerot, C Edo, J Pablo Lozoya, F Leganés, ...
The Cryosphere 15 (6), 2531-2539, 2021
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