Hichang Cho
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Fostering parasocial relationships with celebrities on social media: Implications for celebrity endorsement
S Chung, H Cho
Psychology & marketing 34 (4), 481-495, 2017
Social networks, communication styles, and learning performance in a CSCL community
H Cho, G Gay, B Davidson, A Ingraffea
Computers & education 49 (2), 309-329, 2007
A social network contagion theory of risk perception
CW Scherer, H Cho
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 23 (2), 261-267, 2003
A multinational study on online privacy: global concerns and local responses
H Cho, M Rivera-Sánchez, SS Lim
New media & society 11 (3), 395-416, 2009
Optimistic bias about online privacy risks: Testing the moderating effects of perceived controllability and prior experience
H Cho, JS Lee, S Chung
Computers in Human Behavior 26 (5), 987-995, 2010
Testing an integrative theoretical model of knowledge‐sharing behavior in the context of Wikipedia
H Cho, MH Chen, S Chung
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61 (6 …, 2010
Technology acceptance and social networking in distance learning
JS Lee, H Cho, G Gay, B Davidson, A Ingraffea
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 6 (2), 50-61, 2003
Social information sharing in a CSCL community
H Cho, M Stefanone, G Gay
Computer Support for Collaborative Learning, 43-50, 2023
The influence of self‐efficacy, subjective norms, and risk perception on behavioral intentions related to the H1N1 flu pandemic: A comparison between K orea and the US
H Cho, JS Lee
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 18 (4), 311-324, 2015
Collaborative information seeking in intercultural computer-mediated communication groups: Testing the influence of social context using social network analysis
H Cho, JS Lee
Communication Research 35 (4), 548-573, 2008
Avatar-driven self-disclosure: The virtual me is the actual me
R Hooi, H Cho
Computers in Human Behavior 39, 20-28, 2014
Parasocial relationship via reality TV and social media: its implications for celebrity endorsement
S Chung, H Cho
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences …, 2014
Optimistic bias about H1N1 flu: Testing the links between risk communication, optimistic bias, and self-protection behavior
H Cho, JS Lee, S Lee
Health communication 28 (2), 146-158, 2013
Influence of gender on Internet commerce: An explorative study in Singapore
H Cho, SK Jialin
Journal of Internet Commerce 7 (1), 95-119, 2008
The effect of personalization provider characteristics on privacy attitudes and behaviors: An e laboration l ikelihood m odel approach
A Kobsa, H Cho, BP Knijnenburg
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67 (11 …, 2016
Theoretical intersections among social influences, beliefs, and intentions in the context of 3G mobile services in Singapore: Decomposing perceived critical mass and subjective …
H Cho
Journal of communication 61 (2), 283-306, 2011
The bright and dark sides of social media use during COVID-19 lockdown: Contrasting social media effects through social liability vs. social support
H Cho, P Li, A Ngien, MG Tan, A Chen, E Nekmat
Computers in human behavior 146, 107795, 2023
Development of computer-supported collaborative social networks in a distributed learning community
H Cho, JS Lee, M Stefanone, G Gay
Behaviour & Information Technology 24 (6), 435-447, 2005
Networked privacy management in facebook: A mixed-methods and multinational study
H Cho, A Filippova
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative …, 2016
Collective privacy management in social media: A cross-cultural validation
H Cho, B Knijnenburg, A Kobsa, Y Li
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 25 (3), 1-33, 2018
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