Siajali Pamba
Siajali Pamba
Lecturer of Physical Oceanography, University of Dar es Salaam
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Isolation and characterization of human pathogenic multidrug resistant bacteria associated with plastic litter collected in Zanzibar
FN Rasool, MA Saavedra, S Pamba, V Perold, AJ Mmochi, M Maalim, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 405, 124591, 2021
Spatio-temporal variations in physicochemical water quality parameters of Lake Bunyonyi, Southwestern Uganda
A Saturday, TJ Lyimo, J Machiwa, S Pamba
SN Applied Sciences 3 (7), 684, 2021
Application of machine learning algorithms and Sentinel-2 satellite for improved bathymetry retrieval in Lake Victoria, Tanzania
MJ Mabula, D Kisanga, S Pamba
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 26 (3), 619-627, 2023
Spatial variation of nutrients and primary productivity in the Rufiji Delta mangroves, Tanzania
A Minu, J Routh, JF Machiwa, S Pamba
African Journal of Marine Science 42 (2), 221-232, 2020
Seagrass restoration in a high-energy environment in the Western Indian Ocean
J Wegoro, S Pamba, R George, Y Shaghude, J Hollander, B Lugendo
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 278, 108119, 2022
Hydrodynamic modelling on transport, dispersion and deposition of suspended particulate matter in Pangani estuary, Tanzania
S Pamba, YW Shaghude, ANN Muzuka
Estuaries: A lifeline of ecosystem services in the Western Indian Ocean, 141-160, 2016
Water-related diseases of people using municipal wastewater: risks, exposure, effects on health and control approaches in Tanzania
AH Outwater, S Pamba, AB Outwater
Dar es Salaam, 2013
Spatial and temporal variations of trophic state conditions of Lake Bunyonyi, south-western Uganda
A Saturday, TJ Lyimo, J Machiwa, S Pamba
Applied Water Science 13 (1), 7, 2023
The Assessment of Potential Use of Mangrove Constructed Wetland for Domestic Wastewater Treatment
S Pamba
MSc. Dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2008
Modelling nitrogen transformation in the Lake Bunyonyi ecosystem, South-Western Uganda
A Saturday, TJ Lyimo, J Machiwa, S Pamba
Applied Water Science 12 (8), 189, 2022
Seagrass mapping across the coast of Tanzania
B Lugendo, J Wegoro, Y Shaghude, S Pamba, M Makemie, J Hollander
Ocean & Coastal Management 253, 107169, 2024
Water-Related Diseases of People Using Municipal Wastewater: Risks
AH Outwater, S Pamba, AB Outwater
Exposure, Effects on Health and Control Approaches in Tanzania, 133, 2013
Spatial and temporal variations of phytoplankton composition and biomass in Lake Bunyonyi, South-Western Uganda
A Saturday, TJ Lyimo, J Machiwa, S Pamba
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194 (4), 288, 2022
Public Perceptions of Water Quality in the Lake Bunyonyi Sub-Catchment, Western Uganda
A Saturday, TJ Lyimo, S Pamba, S Kangume, J Turyatemba
Tanzania Journal of Science 49 (3), 725-740, 2023
Spatial and temporal variations of faecal indicator bacteria in Lake Bunyonyi, South-Western Uganda
A Saturday, TJ Lyimo, J Machiwa, S Pamba
SN Applied Sciences 3 (7), 697, 2021
Towards a strategy for the conservation of coastal biological diversity of mainland Tanzania
MJ Mwandosya, AK Semesi, S Pamba, J Francis
Use of GIS‐based multicriteria evaluation for improved selection of suitable sites for cage fish farming in Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria
MJ Mabula, D Kisanga, S Pamba, SM Limbu
Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 3 (6), 472-486, 2023
Transport and dispersion pattern of suspended particulate matter in estuaries of Tanzania: a case of Pangani estuary
S Pamba
University of Dar es Salaam, 2015
The potential use of mangrove constructed wetland for domestic waste water treatment
S Pamba
University of Dar es Salaam, 2008
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences
SO Faruna, DD Wijaya, B Setyadji, I Meilano, AK Utama, D Okoh
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 27, 317-328, 2024
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