gerardo toraldo
gerardo toraldo
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università della Campania "L. Vanvitelli"
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On the solution of large quadratic programming problems with bound constraints
JJ Moré, G Toraldo
SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 (1), 93-113, 1991
Algorithms for bound constrained quadratic programming problems
JJ Moré, G Toraldo
Numerische Mathematik 55 (4), 377-400, 1989
GRASP with path relinking for three-index assignment
RM Aiex, MGC Resende, PM Pardalos, G Toraldo
INFORMS Journal on Computing 17 (2), 224-247, 2005
On the steplength selection in gradient methods for unconstrained optimization
D Di Serafino, V Ruggiero, G Toraldo, L Zanni
Applied Mathematics and Computation 318, 176-195, 2018
Convergence properties of trust region methods for linear and convex constraints
JV Burke, JJ Moré, G Toraldo
Mathematical Programming 47 (1), 305-336, 1990
Description of leavening of bread dough with mathematical modelling
A Romano, G Toraldo, S Cavella, P Masi
Journal of Food Engineering 83 (2), 142-148, 2007
On spectral properties of steepest descent methods
R De Asmundis, D di Serafino, F Riccio, G Toraldo
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 33 (4), 1416-1435, 2013
Tracing day-zero and forecasting the COVID-19 outbreak in Lombardy, Italy: A compartmental modelling and numerical optimization approach
L Russo, C Anastassopoulou, A Tsakris, GN Bifulco, EF Campana, ...
Plos one 15 (10), e0240649, 2020
An efficient gradient method using the Yuan steplength
R De Asmundis, D Di Serafino, WW Hager, G Toraldo, H Zhang
Computational Optimization and Applications 59, 541-563, 2014
Quadratic programming with box constraints
PL De Angelis, PM Pardalos, G Toraldo
Developments in global optimization, 73-93, 1997
Nonlinear optimization and parallel computing
A Migdalas, G Toraldo, V Kumar
Parallel Computing 29 (4), 375-391, 2003
A GPU-accelerated parallel K-means algorithm
S Cuomo, V De Angelis, G Farina, L Marcellino, G Toraldo
Computers & Electrical Engineering 75, 262-274, 2019
EEG signal analysis for epileptic seizures detection by applying data mining techniques
G Zazzaro, S Cuomo, A Martone, RV Montaquila, G Toraldo, L Pavone
Internet of Things 14, 100048, 2021
GRASP with path relinking for the three-index assignment problem
RM Aiex, MGC Resende, PM Pardalos, G Toraldo
Technical report, AT&T Labs-Research, 2000
A modified DIviding RECTangles algorithm for a problem in astrophysics
D di Serafino, G Liuzzi, V Piccialli, F Riccio, G Toraldo
Journal of optimization theory and applications 151, 175-190, 2011
The IoT as a tool to combine the scheduling of the irrigation with the geostatistics of the soils
G Severino, G D’Urso, M Scarfato, G Toraldo
Future Generation Computer Systems 82, 268-273, 2018
Identification of the hydraulic conductivity using a global optimization method
S Gómez, G Severino, L Randazzo, G Toraldo, JM Otero
agricultural water management 96 (3), 504-510, 2009
A predictive Decision Support System (DSS) for a microalgae production plant based on Internet of Things paradigm
F Giannino, S Esposito, M Diano, S Cuomo, G Toraldo
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 30 (15), e4476, 2018
Convergence analysis of an inexact potential reduction method for convex quadratic programming
S Cafieri, M D’Apuzzo, V De Simone, D di Serafino, G Toraldo
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 135 (3), 355-366, 2007
2D structural imaging study of bubble evolution during leavening
A Romano, S Cavella, G Toraldo, P Masi
Food Research International 50 (1), 324-329, 2013
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