Gabriele Chiaro
Gabriele Chiaro
Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Canterbury
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The 2015 Gorkha Nepal Earthquake: insights from earthquake damage survey
K Goda, T Kiyota, RM Pokhrel, G Chiaro, T Katagiri, K Sharma, ...
Frontiers in Built Environment (Earthquake Engineering) 1 (8), 1-15, 2015
Effects of initial static shear on liquefaction and large deformation properties of loose saturated Toyoura sand in undrained cyclic torsional shear tests
G Chiaro, J Koseki, T Sato
Soils and Foundations 52 (3), 498-510, 2012
Liquefaction effects and associated damages observed at the Wellington Centreport from the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake
M Cubrinovski, JD Bray, C de la Torre, MJ Olsen, BA Bradley, G Chiaro, ...
Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 50 (2), 152-173, 2017
Determination of active earth pressure on rigid retaining wall considering arching effect in cohesive backfill soil
PP Rao, QS Chen, YT Zhou, S Nimbalkar, G Chiaro
International Journal of Geomechanics ASCE 16 (3), 04015082, 2015
Reconnaissance report on geotechnical and structural damage caused by the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
G Chiaro, T Kiyota, RM Pokhrel, K Goda, T Katagiri, K Sharma
Soils and Foundations 55 (5), 1030–1043, 2015
Strain localization characteristics of loose saturated Toyoura sand in undrained cyclic torsional shear tests with initial static shear
G Chiaro, T Kiyota, J Koseki
Soils and Foundations 53 (1), 23-34, 2013
Effect of saturation on liquefaction resistance of iron ore fines and two sandy soils
H Wang, J Koseki, T Sato, G Chiaro, JT Tian
Soils and Foundations 56 (4), 732-744, 2016
Optimisation of coal wash–slag blend as a structural fill
G Chiaro, B Indraratna, SMA Tasalloti, C Rujikiatkamjorn
Proc. of ICE, Ground Improvement 168 (1), 33-44, 2015
Liquefaction‐Induced Damage and CPT Characterization of the Reclamations at CentrePort, Wellington
M Cubrinovski, JD Bray, C de la Torre, M Olsen, B Bradley, G Chiaro, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (3B), 1695-1708, 2018
Physical and mechanical properties of granulated rubber mixed with granular soils – a literature review
A Tasalloti, G Chiaro, A Murali, L Banasiak
Sustainability 13 (8), 4309, 1-28, 2021
Multiple-liquefaction behavior of sand in cyclic simple stacked-ring shear tests
S Wahyudi, J Koseki, T Sato, G Chiaro
International Journal of Geomechanics 16 (5), C4015001, 2016
A Laboratory Study on the Shear Behavior of Mixtures of Coal Wash and Steel Furnace Slag as Potential Structural Fill
ASM Tasalloti, B Indraratna, C Rujikiatkamjorn, A Heitor, G Chiaro
Geotechnical Testing Journal 38 (4), 361-372, 2015
Compaction of coal wash to optimise its utilisation as water-front reclamation fill
C Rujikiatkamjorn, B Indraratna, G Chiaro
Geomechanics and Geoengineering 8 (1), 36-45, 2013
Experimental investigation of the mechanical behaviour of gravel-granulated tyre rubber mixtures
A Tasalloti, G Chiaro, L Banasiak, A Palermo
Construction and Building Materials 273 (121749), 14, 2021
Eco-rubber seismic-isolation foundation systems: a sustainable solution for the New Zealand context
E Hernández, A Palermo, G Granello, G Chiaro, LJ Banasiak
Structural Engineering International 30 (2), 192-200, 2020
Recycling of End-of-Life Tires (ELTs) for Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: A New Zealand Perspective
A Tasalloti, G Chiaro, A Murali, L Banasiak, A Palermo, G Granello
Applied Sciences 11 (17), 7824, 2021
Deformation properties of sand with initial static shear in undrained cyclic torsional shear tests and their modeling
G Chiaro
PhD Thesis, University of Tokyo, 2010
Direct shear behavior of gravel-rubber mixtures: discrete element modeling and microscopic investigations
K Chew, G Chiaro, J Vinod, A Tasalloti, K Allulakshmi
Soils and Foundations 62 (3), 101156, 2022
Effect of rubber crumbs volumetric content on the shear strength of gravelly soil in direct shear apparatus
A Tasalloti, G Chiaro, A Palermo, L Banasiak
Geo-Congress 2020, 259-266, 2020
Seismic response of low-rise buildings with Eco-Rubber Geotechnical Seismic Isolation (ERGSI) Foundation System: numerical investigation
G Chiaro, A Palermo, L Banasiak, A Tasalloti, G Granello, E Hernandez
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 21, 3797–3821, 2023
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