Yu Zhang
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Free-floating bike sharing: Solving real-life large-scale static rebalancing problems
A Pal, Y Zhang
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 80, 92-116, 2017
Shared autonomous vehicles and their potential impacts on household vehicle ownership: An exploratory empirical assessment
N Menon, N Barbour, Y Zhang, AR Pinjari, F Mannering
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 13 (2), 111-122, 2019
Reliable p-median facility location problem: two-stage robust models and algorithms
Y An, B Zeng, Y Zhang, L Zhao
Transportation Research Part B 64, 54-72, 2014
The reliable hub-and-spoke design problem: Models and algorithms
Y An, Y Zhang, B Zeng
Transportation Research Part B 77, 103-122, 2015
Delay causality network in air transport systems
WB Du, MY Zhang, Y Zhang, XB Cao, J Zhang
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 118, 466-476, 2018
Cyber-physical-social interdependencies and organizational resilience: A review of water, transportation, and cyber infrastructure systems and processes
S Mohebbi, Q Zhang, EC Wells, T Zhao, H Nguyen, M Li, ...
Sustainable Cities and Society 62, 102327, 2020
A systematic overview of transportation equity in terms of accessibility, traffic emissions, and safety outcomes: From conventional to emerging technologies
Y Guo, Z Chen, A Stuart, X Li, Y Zhang
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 4, 100091, 2020
Understanding factors influencing shared e-scooter usage and its impact on auto mode substitution
Y Guo, Y Zhang
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 99, 102991, 2021
A statistical analysis of bike sharing usage and its potential as an auto-trip substitute
N Barbour, Y Zhang, F Mannering
Journal of Transport & Health 12, 253-262, 2019
Air Transport versus High‐Speed Rail: An Overview and Research Agenda
X Sun, Y Zhang, S Wandelt
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2017 (1), 8426926, 2017
Integrated network design and demand forecast for on-demand urban air mobility
Z Wu, Y Zhang
Engineering 7 (4), 473-487, 2021
Exploring the equity performance of bike-sharing systems with disaggregated data: A story of southern Tampa
Z Chen, Y Guo, AL Stuart, Y Zhang, X Li
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 130, 529-545, 2019
Collision free 4D path planning for multiple UAVs based on spatial refined voting mechanism and PSO approach
LIU Yang, X Zhang, Y Zhang, G Xiangmin
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 32 (6), 1504-1519, 2019
Shared automated vehicles: A statistical analysis of consumer use likelihoods and concerns
N Barbour, N Menon, Y Zhang, F Mannering
Transport Policy 80, 86-93, 2019
Real-Time Intermodal Substitution Strategy for Airline Recovery from Schedule Perturbation and for Mitigation of Airport Congestion
Y Zhang, H Mark
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2008
New York, New York: Two ways of estimating the delay impact of New York airports
L Hao, M Hansen, Y Zhang, J Post
Transportation Research Part E 70, 245-260, 2014
Comparison of emerging ground propulsion systems for electrified aircraft taxi operations
R Guo, Y Zhang, Q Wang
Transportation Research Part C 44, 98-109, 2014
Safety assessment and risk estimation for unmanned aerial vehicles operating in national airspace system
X Zhang, Y Liu, Y Zhang, X Guan, D Delahaye, L Tang
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2018 (1), 4731585, 2018
Automated flight planning of high-density urban air mobility
H Tang, Y Zhang, V Mohmoodian, H Charkhgard
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 131, 103324, 2021
Consumer perception and intended adoption of autonomous-vehicle technology: Findings from a university population survey
N Menon, A Pinjari, Y Zhang, L Zou
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
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