Ali Zaidi
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Zitiert von
Network architecture, methods, and devices for a wireless communications network
S Parkvall, J Peisa, G Mildh, R Baldemair, S Wager, J Kronander, ...
US Patent 10,367,677, 2019
Network architecture, methods, and devices for a wireless communications network
S Parkvall, J Peisa, G Mildh, R Baldemair, S Wager, J Kronander, ...
US Patent 10,630,410, 2020
Waveform and Numerology to Support 5G Services and Requirements
AA Zaidi, R Baldemair, H Tullberg, H Bjorkegren, L Sundstrom, J Medbo, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (11), 90-98, 2016
5G Physical Layer: Principles, Models and Technology Components
A Zaidi, F Athley, J Medbo, U Gustavsson, G Durisi, X Chen
Academic Press, 2018
OFDM numerology design for 5G new radio to support IoT, eMBB, and MBSFN
AA Zaidi, R Baldemair, V Molés-Cases, N He, K Werner, A Cedergren
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 2 (2), 78-83, 2018
Back-pressure traffic signal control with fixed and adaptive routing for urban vehicular networks
AA Zaidi, B Kulcsár, H Wymeersch
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (8), 2134-2143, 2016
Methods and nodes for managing RSTD reports
A Zaidi, SM Razavi, F Gunnarsson, M Wang, Y Blankenship, H Rydén
US Patent App. 10/045,324, 2018
Designing for the future: the 5G NR physical layer
AA Zaidi, R Baldemair, M Andersson, S Faxér, V Molés-Cases, Z Wang
Ericsson Technology Review, 2017
Numerology and frame structure for 5G radio access
J Vihriälä, AA Zaidi, V Venkatasubramanian, N He, E Tiirola, J Medbo, ...
2016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2016
Evaluation of Waveforms for Mobile Radio Communications above 6 GHz
AA Zaidi, J Luo, R Gerzaguet, H Wang, X Chen, Y Qi, N Cassiau, ...
IEEE Globecom Workshops, 2016
A Preliminary Study on Waveform Candidates for 5G Mobile Radio Communications above 6 GHz
AA Zaidi, J Luo, R Gerzaguet, A Wolfgang, RJ Weiler, J Vihriala, ...
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2016 IEEE 83rd, 1-6, 2016
Network Architecture, Methods, and Devices for a Wireless Communications Network
S Parkvall, J Peisa, G Mildh, R Baldemair, S Wager, J Kronander, ...
US Patent App. 16/414,490, 2020
5G wireless access: an overview
A Osseiran, S Parkvall, P Persson, A Zaidi, S Magnusson, ...
Ericsson white paper, 2020
XR and 5G: Extended reality at scale with time-critical communication
AZ Fredrik Alriksson, Du Ho Kang, Chris Phillips, Jose Luis Pradas
Ericsson Technology Review, 2021
Traffic-adaptive signal control and vehicle routing using a decentralized back-pressure method
AA Zaidi, B Kulcsár, H Wymeersch
2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 3029-3034, 2015
Stabilization of linear systems over Gaussian networks
AA Zaidi, TJ Oechtering, S Yüksel, M Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (9), 2369-2384, 2014
Network architecture, methods, and devices for a wireless communications network
S Parkvall, J Peisa, G Mildh, R Baldemair, S Wager, J Kronander, ...
US Patent 10,938,497, 2021
Enhanced time of arrival estimation and quantization for positioning in LTE networks
H Ryden, AA Zaidi, SM Razavi, F Gunnarsson, I Siomina
2016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2016
A comparison of OFDM, QAM-FBMC, and OQAM-FBMC waveforms subject to phase noise
V Moles-Cases, AA Zaidi, X Chen, TJ Oechtering, R Baldemair
2017 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
Sufficient conditions for closed-loop control over multiple-access and broadcast channels
AA Zaidi, TJ Oechtering, M Skoglund
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4771-4776, 2010
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