Celia  A. Harvey
Celia A. Harvey
Rainforest Alliance
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Environmental and economic costs of soil erosion and conservation benefits
D Pimentel, C Harvey, P Resosudarmo, K Sinclair, D Kurz, M McNair, ...
Science 267 (5201), 1117-1123, 1995
Prospects for tropical forest biodiversity in a human‐modified world
TA Gardner, J Barlow, R Chazdon, RM Ewers, CA Harvey, CA Peres, ...
Ecology letters 12 (6), 561-582, 2009
Extreme vulnerability of smallholder farmers to agricultural risks and climate change in Madagascar
CA Harvey, ZL Rakotobe, NS Rao, R Dave, H Razafimahatratra, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in tropical landscapes
G Schroth, GAB da Fonseca, CA Harvey, C Gascon, HL Vasconcelos, ...
Island Press, 2004
Beyond reserves: A research agenda for conserving biodiversity in human‐modified tropical landscapes
RL Chazdon, CA Harvey, O Komar, DM Griffith, BG Ferguson, ...
Biotropica 41 (2), 142-153, 2009
Integrating agricultural landscapes with biodiversity conservation in the Mesoamerican hotspot
CA Harvey, O Komar, R Chazdon, BG Ferguson, B Finegan, DM Griffith, ...
Conservation biology 22 (1), 8-15, 2008
Patterns of animal diversity in different forms of tree cover in agricultural landscapes
CA Harvey, A Medina, DM Sánchez, S Vílchez, B Hernández, JC Saenz, ...
Ecological Applications 16 (5), 1986-1999, 2006
Climate‐smart landscapes: opportunities and challenges for integrating adaptation and mitigation in tropical agriculture
CA Harvey, M Chacon, CI Donatti, E Garen, L Hannah, A Andrade, ...
Conservation Letters 7 (2), 77-90, 2014
Remnant trees and the conservation of biodiversity in Costa Rican pastures
CA Harvey, WA Haber
Agroforestry systems 44, 37-68, 1998
Agroforestry systems conserve species-rich but modified assemblages of tropical birds and bats
CA Harvey, JA González Villalobos
Biodiversity and conservation 16, 2257-2292, 2007
Transformative adaptation to climate change for sustainable socialecological systems
G Fedele, C Donatti, CA Harvey, L Hannah, GA Hole
Environmental Science and Policy 101, 116-125, 2019
Climate change impacts and adaptation among smallholder farmers in Central America.
CA Harvey, M Saborio-Rodriguez, MR Martinez-Rodriguez, B Viguera, ...
Agriculture and Food Security 7 (, 57, 2018
Biodiversity conservation in cocoa production landscapes: an overview
G Schroth, CA Harvey
Biodiversity and Conservation 16, 2237-2244, 2007
Contribution of live fences to the ecological integrity of agricultural landscapes
CA Harvey, C Villanueva, J Villacís, M Chacón, D Muñoz, M López, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 111 (1-4), 200-230, 2005
Ecosystem-based adaptation for smallholder farmers: Definitions, opportunities and constraints
R Vignola, CA Harvey, P Bautista-Solis, J Avelino, B Rapidel, C Donatti, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 211, 126-132, 2015
Servicios ambientales de los sistemas agroforestales
J Beer, CA Harvey, MA Ibrahim, JM Harmand, E Somarriba, ...
Agroforestería en las Américas Volumen 10, números 37-38 (2003), páginas 80-87, 2003
Dung beetle and terrestrial mammal diversity in forests, indigenous agroforestry systems and plantain monocultures in Talamanca, Costa Rica
CA Harvey, J Gonzalez, E Somarriba
Biodiversity & Conservation 15, 555-585, 2006
Integrated landscape management for agriculture, rural livelihoods, and ecosystem conservation: An assessment of experience from Latin America and the Caribbean
N Estrada-Carmona, AK Hart, FAJ DeClerck, CA Harvey, JC Milder
Landscape and Urban Planning 129, 1-11, 2014
Opportunities for achieving biodiversity conservation through REDD
CA Harvey, B Dickson, C Kormos
Conservation Letters 3 (1), 53-61, 2010
Vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate change in Central America and Mexico: current knowledge and research gaps
CI Donatti, CA Harvey, MR Martinez-Rodriguez, R Vignola, CM Rodriguez
Climate and Development 11 (3), 264-286, 2019
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