Alexandre Souto Martinez
Alexandre Souto Martinez
Associate Professor of Physics, University of Sao Paulo
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Is it possible to compare researchers with different scientific interests?
PD Batista, MG Campiteli, O Kinouchi
Scientometrics 68 (1), 179-189, 2006
Depolarization of multiply scattered waves by spherical diffusers: Influence of the size parameter
D Bicout, C Brosseau, AS Martinez, JM Schmitt
Physical Review E 49 (2), 1767, 1994
Texture analysis and classification using deterministic tourist walk
AR Backes, WN Gonçalves, AS Martinez, OM Bruno
Pattern Recognition 43 (3), 685-694, 2010
Faraday effect and multiple scattering of light
AS Martinez, R Maynard
Physical Review B 50 (6), 3714, 1994
Thesaurus as a complex network
A de Jesus Holanda, IT Pisa, O Kinouchi, AS Martinez, EES Ruiz
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 344 (3-4), 530-536, 2004
Deterministic walks in random media
GF Lima, AS Martinez, O Kinouchi
Physical Review Letters 87 (1), 010603, 2001
Deterministic walks in random networks: An application to thesaurus graphs
O Kinouchi, AS Martinez, GF Lima, GM Lourenço, S Risau-Gusman
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 315 (3-4), 665-676, 2002
New effects in light scattering in disordered media and coherent backscattering cone: systems of magnetic particles
FA Pinheiro, AS Martinez, LC Sampaio
Physical review letters 84 (7), 1435, 2000
Continuous growth models in terms of generalized logarithm and exponential functions
AS Martinez, RS González, CAS Terçariol
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (23), 5679-5687, 2008
Risk aversion in economic transactions
C Anteneodo, C Tsallis, AS Martinez
Europhysics Letters 59 (5), 635, 2002
Bioaccumulation of Atrazine in Freshwater Bivalves Anodontites trapesialis (Lamarck, 1819) and Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
AE Jacomini, WEP Avelar, AS Martinêz, PS Bonato
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 51, 387-391, 2006
Texture analysis using graphs generated by deterministic partially self-avoiding walks
AR Backes, AS Martinez, OM Bruno
Pattern Recognition 44 (8), 1684-1689, 2011
Hamiltonian dynamics of the SIS epidemic model with stochastic fluctuations
GM Nakamura, AS Martinez
Scientific reports 9 (1), 15841, 2019
Generalized exponential function and discrete growth models
AS Martinez, RS González, AL Espíndola
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 388 (14), 2922-2930, 2009
Inferring topological features of proteins from amino acid residue networks
NA Alves, AS Martinez
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 375 (1), 336-344, 2007
Unconventional Fano effect and off-resonance field enhancement in plasmonic coated spheres
TJ Arruda, AS Martinez, FA Pinheiro
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (4), 043841, 2013
Analytical results for the statistical distribution related to a memoryless deterministic walk: Dimensionality effect and mean-field models
CAS Terçariol, AS Martinez
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (2 …, 2005
Arithmetical and geometrical means of generalized logarithmic and exponential functions: generalized sum and product operators
TJ Arruda, RS González, CAS Terçariol, AS Martinez
Physics Letters A 372 (15), 2578-2582, 2008
Escaping from cycles through a glass transition
S Risau-Gusman, AS Martinez, O Kinouchi
Physical Review E 68 (1), 016104, 2003
Texture descriptor based on partially self-avoiding deterministic walker on networks
WN Gonçalves, AR Backes, AS Martinez, OM Bruno
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (15), 11818-11829, 2012
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