Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Tomáš DostálekWeitere Informationen
Verfügbar: 3
Does pollen limitation affect population growth of the endangered Dracocephalum austriacum L.?
S Castro, T Dostálek, S van der Meer, G Oostermeijer, Z Münzbergová
Population Ecology 57, 105-116, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Differential effect of climate of origin and cultivation climate on structural and biochemical plant traits
D Thakur, V Hadincová, R Schnablová, H Synková, D Haisel, ...
Functional Ecology 37 (5), 1436-1448, 2023
Mandate: European Commission
Comparative Life-Cycle Analyses Reveal Interacting Climatic and Biotic Drivers of Population Responses to Climate Change
E Ickin, E Conquet, B Abrahms, S Albon, DT Blumstein, ML Bond, ...
EcoEvoRxiv, 2024
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
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