Remko Boom
Remko Boom
Professor of Food Process Engineering
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Microstructures in phase-inversion membranes. Part 1. Formation of macrovoids
CA Smolders, AJ Reuvers, RM Boom, IM Wienk
Journal of membrane science 73 (2-3), 259-275, 1992
Recent advances in the formation of phase inversion membranes made from amorphous or semi-crystalline polymers
IM Wienk, RM Boom, MAM Beerlage, AMW Bulte, CA Smolders, ...
Journal of membrane science 113 (2), 361-371, 1996
Structuring processes for meat analogues
BL Dekkers, RM Boom, AJ van der Goot
Trends in Food Science & Technology 81, 25-36, 2018
Membrane fractionation of milk: state of the art and challenges
G Brans, C Schroën, RGM Van der Sman, RM Boom
Journal of Membrane Science 243 (1-2), 263-272, 2004
Microstructures in phase inversion membranes. Part 2. The role of a polymeric additive
RM Boom, IM Wienk, T Van den Boomgaard, CA Smolders
Journal of membrane science 73 (2-3), 277-292, 1992
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of droplet formation in a T-shaped microchannel
S Van der Graaf, T Nisisako, C Schroën, RGM Van Der Sman, RM Boom
Langmuir 22 (9), 4144-4152, 2006
Thermozymes and their applications: a review of recent literature and patents
ME Bruins, AEM Janssen, RM Boom
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 90, 155-186, 2001
Preparation of double emulsions by membrane emulsification—a review
S van der Graaf, C Schroën, RM Boom
Journal of Membrane Science 251 (1-2), 7-15, 2005
Modification methods for poly (arylsulfone) membranes: A mini-review focusing on surface modification
N Nady, MCR Franssen, H Zuilhof, MSM Eldin, R Boom, K Schroën
Desalination 275 (1-3), 1-9, 2011
Comparing structuring potential of pea and soy protein with gluten for meat analogue preparation
FKG Schreuders, BL Dekkers, I Bodnár, P Erni, RM Boom, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 261, 32-39, 2019
Electroporation of cells in microfluidic devices: a review
MB Fox, DC Esveld, A Valero, R Luttge, HC Mastwijk, PV Bartels, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 385, 474-485, 2006
Peptides are building blocks of heat-induced fibrillar protein aggregates of β-lactoglobulin formed at pH 2
C Akkermans, P Venema, AJ van der Goot, H Gruppen, EJ Bakx, ...
Biomacromolecules 9 (5), 1474-1479, 2008
Dry fractionation for sustainable production of functional legume protein concentrates
MAI Schutyser, PJM Pelgrom, AJ Van der Goot, RM Boom
Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2), 327-335, 2015
Dry fractionation for production of functional pea protein concentrates
PJM Pelgrom, AM Vissers, RM Boom, MAI Schutyser
Food research international 53 (1), 232-239, 2013
Concepts for further sustainable production of foods
AJ Van der Goot, PJM Pelgrom, JAM Berghout, MEJ Geerts, L Jankowiak, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 168, 42-51, 2016
Nanofiltration of multi-component feeds. Interactions between neutral and charged components and their effect on retention
G Bargeman, JM Vollenbroek, J Straatsma, C Schroën, RM Boom
Journal of membrane science 247 (1-2), 11-20, 2005
Premix emulsification: A review
A Nazir, K Schroën, R Boom
Journal of Membrane Science 362 (1-2), 1-11, 2010
Micrometer-sized fibrillar protein aggregates from soy glycinin and soy protein isolate
C Akkermans, AJ Van der Goot, P Venema, H Gruppen, JM Vereijken, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 (24), 9877-9882, 2007
Droplet formation in a T-shaped microchannel junction: A model system for membrane emulsification
S Van der Graaf, MLJ Steegmans, RGM Van Der Sman, C Schroën, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 266 (1-3 …, 2005
Status of cross-flow membrane emulsification and outlook for industrial application
AJ Gijsbertsen-Abrahamse, A van der Padt, RM Boom
Journal of Membrane Science 230 (1-2), 149-159, 2004
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